ISO's With Multiple Movies Won't Scrape (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 3, 2022
Home Country
Australia Australia
I Just noticed that ISO's with two or more Movies, The Scrapers don't index any Graphics or Info if the ISO is named as:

Movie Name (1967) + Movie Name (2018) + Movies Name (1989).ISO


Movie Name (1967) - Movie Name (2018) - Movie Name (1989).iso

And Scrapers won't even index info or art if actual name of the DVD is listed.

50 Action Classic Movie Collection Disc 5.iso

100 Classic Comedy Movie Collection Disc 4.iso

There are no unique identifiers on the discs other than Major Studio & Disc Number, Discs are double sided, so 6 movies per disc, old stock and 12 movies per disc new stock, fully legitimate DVD's, Boxed collections from major retailers cost well over $100 for about 25 or more disc's in a box


Portal Member
November 3, 2022
Home Country
Australia Australia
Multiple Movies in any Single Video File Won't Scrap!

All my Drive-In Videos, have multiple movies and won't scrap, it doesn't matter what container they are in.

Drive-in - Ads + Short + Movie 1 + Movie2.mp4

It doesn't matter if its Double, Triple or Marathon Feature (Many Movies) scrapers just cant find any art or info.

If I cut Multiple Movie Videos into single Movie segments (Parts) then Scrapers are happy to index Graphics & Info for each Part.

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