Kabel Deutschland or Premiere. Help! (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 23, 2004
I know there was pretty much progress in watching encrypted channels via CI and CAM + smartcard.

For me as a german cable user: What is currently best option to watch these channels. I have a legal smartcard and a subscription.

I now fireDTV seems sutable but I do not want a extra box. FloppyDTV is also an option.

Do they work? What other tv-cards are currently supported and DO work?!

I need DVB-C!!

Please share your experience :)


Portal Member
April 19, 2006

(das würde ich auch gerne wissen)

I have a FloppyDTV and it works perfect for single "FSK0" channels. So at the moment i have the following problems with that:

1. MutliFeed is not supported (Premiere Direkt / Sportportal)

2. FSK16-Movies will not work, cause you have to enter a pin

Question on (2) are there any plans to support FSK-Control within Mediaportal. When I set my Alphacrypt light to FSK18 or "NONE" it won't show any Movie with FSK-Header. The screen just stays black.



Portal Pro
November 23, 2004
That is a good point.

So, anybody answers?????!

What else does work? No german users around?


Portal Member
April 19, 2006

1. i solved the FSK Problem today. With an update of the Alphacrypt Light Modul to the newest version you can disable the FSK check. Now only FSK18+ ist requested; but this is only (as far as i saw till today) on Blue Movie [in which i'm not interested anyway] :)

But would be better anyway if MP could popup with a PIN-Box to enter the FSK Pin if it is requested (and you're not in record mode)...

2. I'm still searching for a solution to use NVOD (Premiere Direkt und Sportportal). It seams that i found a way today; i'll check it over the weekend...

[update] i was a little bit faster than "over the weekend". I used a file from "www.dxandy.de" for checking all possible NVOD Premiere Channels on Astra. Cause Premiere is just forwarding them with the same PID and all that stuff to the cable you can - with the help of a calculator - calculate the correct settings :) So finally i have to say:

MediaPortal works here with the following setup:
- Floppy DTV DVB-C (newest BDA)
- Alphacrypt Light (min. Version 1.05)
- Premiere card "K02"

Info to the files of dxandy.de

 1. Row: Frequenzy (comapare that to automatically found Premiere channels)
 5. Row: Video + PCR
 6. Row: Audio 1 (some channels provide AC3; you have to test this)
 7. Row: PMT
18. Row: PID
19. Row: Service
20. Row: Network :-)

is there a chance that FSK-PIN and NVOD is supported native (!) in MP ???


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