Keine Filmwiedergabe über USB-Festplatten (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 6, 2009
Home Country
Austria Austria
Hi leute

ich bin seit fast 2 Monaten dabei meinen HTPC einzurichten und bin mir nun sicher das ich MP als Software verwenden werde.

Nun gibt es noch einige Hürden zu meistern unter anderem zb das der Imon Manager nach ein paar änderungen (egal was ich verändere) hängen bleibt..... ok das liegt nicht an MP keine ahnung was ich da machen kann.

Mein akuteres und größeres Problem ist das ich meine Filme alle auf externen Festplatten mit USB2.0 angeschlossen habe.
Ich kann auch unter der MP Konfig die Ordner einstellen.
Jedoch wenn ich dann im MP die Filme starten will bleibt nur ein schwarzer Bildschirm. MP stürzt jedoch nicht ab.
Wenn ich die Platten einbauen und direkt anschließe gibt es keine Probleme.

Die Filme sind mittels DVD-Decrypter als DVD-Rohdatein kopiert worden.

hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen da ich ned wirklich weiß was ich da tun kann ://


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  • January 30, 2008
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    Ist ein alt bekanntes Problem! Welche Version von MP nutzt du denn? In den neuen SVN's funktioniert die Wiedergabe!



    Portal Member
    March 6, 2009
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    also hab das jetzt installiert und mp bleibt jetzt hängen stürzt aber laut taskmanager nicht ab.

    ich hab im mediaportal log nachglesen das der film scheinbar gestartet ist.

    hier mal der log nach dem öffnen
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.120200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: inspecting media : H:\DVD\Ratatouille DE EN\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.120200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: FrameRate : 25
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.120200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoCodec : mpeg-2v
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.121200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: IsMP2V: True
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.121200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Scan type :
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.122200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: IsInterlaced: False
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.122200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Width : 720
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.122200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Height : 576
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.123200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Audiochannels : 0
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.123200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Audiorate : 0
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.124200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AspectRatio : 16/9
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.124200 [Info.][MPMain]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioCodec :
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.129200 [Info.][CommandProcessor]: Commandprocessor: MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopRadioCommand failed reason: No tuner cards installed time: 1 msec
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.131200 [Info.][MPMain]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' disabled
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.145200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9:Turn off DXVA value = True
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.146200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9:Video Decoder =
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.146200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.158200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.251200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9:Add DVD Navigator
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.380200 [Info.][MPMain]: added filter:DVD Navigator to graph
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.388200 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.388200 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.391200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pins
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.392200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#0:Video
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.395200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.401200 [Info.][MPMain]: No preloaded filter could be connected. Trying to load new one from registry
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.443200 [Info.][MPMain]: added filter:ffdshow Video Decoder to graph
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.446200 [Info.][MPMain]: added filter:DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder to graph
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.446200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pins
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.447200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#0:Video In
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.447200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#1:confused:ubPicture
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.447200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#2:Video Out
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.448200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.469200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pins
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.469200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#0:EVR Input0
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.470200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#1:EVR Input1
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.470200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#2:EVR Input2
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.470200 [Info.][MPMain]: Successfully rendered pin DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder:Video Out to Enhanced Video Renderer:EVR Input0.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.471200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.471200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#3:~CC
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.472200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.473200 [Info.][MPMain]: No preloaded filter could be connected. Trying to load new one from registry
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.473200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.474200 [Info.][MPMain]: Successfully rendered pin DVD Navigator:Video to DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder:Video In.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.474200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.475200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#1:AC3
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.475200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.476200 [Info.][MPMain]: No preloaded filter could be connected. Trying to load new one from registry
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.481200 [Info.][MPMain]: added filter:AC3Filter to graph
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.482200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pins
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.482200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#0:In
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.483200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#1:Out
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.483200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.488200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pins
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.488200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#0:Audio Input pin (rendered)
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.489200 [Info.][MPMain]: Successfully rendered pin AC3Filter:Out to Default DirectSound Device:Audio Input pin (rendered).
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.489200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.490200 [Info.][MPMain]: Successfully rendered pin DVD Navigator:AC3 to AC3Filter:In.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.490200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.490200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#2:confused:ubPicture
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.491200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.492200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pins
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.492200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#0:Video In
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.493200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#1:confused:ubPicture
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.493200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#2:Video Out
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.493200 [Info.][MPMain]: got pin#3:~CC
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.494200 [Info.][MPMain]: ----------------TryConnect-------------
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.495200 [Info.][MPMain]: No preloaded filter could be connected. Trying to load new one from registry
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.496200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.496200 [Info.][MPMain]: Successfully rendered pin DVD Navigator:confused:ubPicture to DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder:confused:ubPicture.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.496200 [Info.][MPMain]: render ok
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.497200 [Info.][MPMain]: Dvdplayer9:disabling Line21 Decoder (Closed Captions)
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.504200 [Info.][MPMain]: Dvdplayer9:graph created
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.506200 [Info.][MPMain]: SetDefaultLanguages
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.509200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer:confused:et default language:German 1031 Success.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.511200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer:confused:et default menu language:German 1031 Success.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.514200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer:confused:et default subtitle language:German 1031 Success.
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.568200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer:confused:tarted playing()
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.571200 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStarted() H:\DVD\Ratatouille DE EN\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO media:Video
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.646200 [Info.][MPMain]: xml:C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.705200 [Info.][MPMain]: EVT:DvdAudioStreamChange:-1
    2009-03-07 15:17:20.705200 [Info.][MPMain]: EVT:DvdTitleChange:1
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.963200 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStopped()
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.968200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer:confused:top()
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.971200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9:Resetting
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.972200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9:cleanup DShow graph
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.978200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 12
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.978200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 11
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.978200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 10
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.979200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 9
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.979200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 8
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.980200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 7
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.980200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 6
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.981200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 5
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.981200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 4
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.982200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 3
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.982200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 2
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.983200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 1
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.983200 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 0
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.987200 [Info.][MPMain]: DVDPlayer9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2009-03-07 15:17:42.989200 [Info.][MPMain]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' disabled
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.011200 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1999
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.011200 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1998
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.012200 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1997
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.016200 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1996
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.017200 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1995
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.029200 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Exiting
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.030200 [Info.][MPMain]: Recorder: stop
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.130200 [Info.][CommandProcessor]: Commandprocessor: Stopping all tuners
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.131200 [Info.][CommandProcessor]: Commandprocessor: Stopped
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.232200 [Info.][MPMain]: PlugInManager.Stop()
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.233200 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.Dispose()
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.234200 [Info.][MPMain]: TextureManager: Dispose()
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.234200 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.306200 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: FolderDatabase3.db3
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.308200 [Info.][2]: GUITVCropManager: Stopped
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.309200 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicDatabaseV10.db3
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.310200 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: TVDatabaseV21.db3
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.313200 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2009-03-07 15:17:43.314200 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: RadioDatabase4.db3

    oder soll ich die ganze log datei posten?


    Portal Member
    March 6, 2009
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    tut leid hab ich auch so gemacht wie in deiner anleitung
    woltle nur ned zuviel unnötig posten....

    na sowie ich das mit meinem dürftigen englisch verstandn hab gibt es dafür ja noch keine lösung oder?

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