KNC One + Spaun SAR 422 keine Sender (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Hallo zusammen,

bin jetzt mit meinem Latein am Ende und hoffe dass mir hier jemand weiterhelfen kann.
Ich hatte bisher eine Multifeed Anlage mit einem Universal Twin LNB für Astra 19.2. Diese beiden Ausgänge gehen auf eine TBS 6981. Und einem Universal Twin LNB für Hotbird 13.0. Dessen Ausgänge gehen auf 2 KNC One mit CI Modul.
Das alles funktionierte bisher reibungslos.
Da mein Provider aber sowohl über Astra als auch über Hotbird die verschlüsselten Sender überträgt, war es nötig auf die KNC Karten sowohl mit Astra als auch Hotbird zu gehen.
Jetzt habe ich den Astra LNB gegen einen Universal Quad LNB getauscht. Somit gehe ich nach wie vor mit 2 Ausgängen des Quads auf die TBS Karten, das funktioniert einwandfrei.
Zwischen den KNC Karten und den 2 Astra und 2 Hotbird Kabel habe ich jetzt einen SAR 422 geschaltet. Die Eingange Ost1 und Ost2 gehen zum Twin LNB für Hotbird und die Eingänge West 1 und West 2 gehen auf 2 Ausgänge vom Astra Quad.
Mit den Ausgängen des Spauns Rec1 und Rec2 gehe ich auf die beiden KNC Karten.
Jetzt habe ich im TV Server Config die verschiedensten DiseqC Möglichkeiten ausprobiert aber leider ohne Erfolg.
Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich, anhand des obigen Szenarios die Einstellungen in Mepo vornehmen muss?

Danke im Voraus.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi Django.edwards

    Sorry to speak English here, but I thought it was better to give you an answer than to say nothing because I don't know German...
    I think you would have to use simple A and simple B with KNC cards since we don't have any code for supporting anything more than DiSEqC 1.0 for KNC hardware. Having said that, the switch brochure on Spaun's website has the DiSEqC 2.0 logo so I'm wondering if motor position commands (position 1, position 2) are required... in which case the KNC DiSEqC support would not be compatible with the switch. If that is the case then you could ask KNC to give us an updated version of their SDK/API so that we can add support for their extended DiSEqC functions (their technical page says that the S2 Plus and S2 Twin support DiSEqC 2.x).

    Note: it would be a good idea to post your TV Server logs so I can check that nothing is going wrong in the attempts to send DiSEqC commands.



    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi mm,

    thanks for your reply. First of all, I will check the installation this weekend. I borrowed a Smartmeter S10, so I could really check the hole installation including the diseqc switch. This to be shure that everything is working correctly.
    What I saw in the Spaun manual, is that the LNB switch is done via Disqec command: position. Now I am not shure which setting this means. Is it the simpleA and B?

    Another thing is that I think that the coding for the KNC needs a little bit of optimization.
    Now my question: Would you be interested do doing some investigation with me, so that we could provide a better KNC support?




    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    First of all, I will check the installation this weekend.
    That's probably a good idea. Can you tell me: do the KNC cards only work with one of the satellites, or do they not work at all?

    What I saw in the Spaun manual, is that the LNB switch is done via Disqec command: position. Now I am not shure which setting this means. Is it the simpleA and B?
    Yes, I saw that too, and I wasn't sure exactly what they meant. It could mean:
    - stored motor positions (DiSEqC 1.2)
    - DiSEqC 1.0 position

    If it means motor positions then there is a problem because we don't have any code for supporting DiSEqC 1.2 with KNC cards. If it is DiSEqC 1.0 position then you should definitely try simple a and simple b. If simple a and simple b don't work then try AA and BB.

    Another thing is that I think that the coding for the KNC needs a little bit of optimization.
    Now my question: Would you be interested do doing some investigation with me, so that we could provide a better KNC support?
    Absolutely! :)
    The whole DiSEqC/conditional access area needs a big cleanup, which I am working on. If you have some optimisations for the KNC code then I'd be very happy to work with you to provide better support.



    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi mm,

    thanks for your reply. So I checked this weekend the installation with my Smartmeter S10. It hat an build-in Diseqc check and this worked perfectly. The smartmeter issues Diseqc 1.0 command and it finds my Astra 19.2 and Hotbird 13.0 satellites. So the installation is ok, the switch works and the receive levels are well. So from there everything should be fine.
    After these tests, I did an update of the satellites and then a full scan from both KNC card.
    What I see is that there are significant differences between card 1 and card 2. On card1 I got approx. 1500 channels where on card2 I got approx. 2500 channels. When I compare both logs, I can see that there are transponders wich I find on card 2 but on card 1 there is no signal and vice versa. So for me it seems that there is an issue on the scanning engine. I attached both logs, maybee this can help you.

    The other problems are:

    1. Scanning engine not working reliable
    2. On card 1, I got somethimes the message in the logs that the CI module is not working. Even when I go to the tv configuration and I try to open the CI menu. This happens only on card 1 and never on card2. I already swapped both cards and cams with no success, it stays always on Card 1. So it can not be the hardware.
    3. an other issue, which is more cosmetic is that, when I go to card 1 I can open the ci menu, when I go then on card to, the ci menu does not open. I have to close the tv configuration, reopen it, ad then it works. But only 1 time.
    4. Is it possible to adapt the KNC code, so that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package isn't needed anymore? Because the Mepo 1.2 installation does not install it, but it installs the 2010 version. I read already some threads where users have the problem that after a fresh Mepo 1.2 installation the cards did not work, but after an update from Mepo 1.3 they do. This happens because they have the Visual C++ 2008 installed.

    I know..... this are much issues... but maybe you can provide some help.


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