Kworld PlusTV 115 Qam works in TvServer3 (1 Viewer)


New Member
September 18, 2007

Kworld PlusTV HD PCI 115 card works with TVServer3 (single seat) for Cable QAM,
(winxp pro sp2).


- devid= "ven_1131&dev_7133&subsys_735217de&rev_d1"

Standard QAM channel scan in tvengine3 works for this card,
& viewing result clear QAM channels in MediaPortal works.


- tvengine3-09-15-2007--01-22h--Rev15898

- MediaPortal-svn--09-15-2007--01-05-Rev15898
(with MediaPortal_0.2.3_RC2 already installed)

- Also Had to use new MP tsreader to display the channel video in MediaPortal.
add empty text file named "useTsReader.txt", also untic ac3 &
the two rebuild graph choices in MyTv Plugin-config in MP-Config/setup, per )

* did minimal testing & not using epg, & scan likely missed some of the
clear qam HD channels. (edit the freq list in .qam file as needed)

* card has no HW-mpeg encode so, (although server will scan and find
analog channels), analog isn't avail via TVServer3 for this card.
- analog will work for this card in stand-alone MediaPortal,
w/o tvserver mediaportal plugin & tvengine3 installed.

* the channel "preview" in TVserver management console doesn't display video,
& only audio for clear QAM channels in the preview popup window on my system,
but video does display in MP.

* finds over 170 channels (comcast), aprox 25 clear qam, & there needs to be a
better way to detect & dispose of "scrambled channels", as the "delete scrambled"
button does nothing on this install. (maybe a new column for "clear / scrambled").

(at least for us)
* HD Cable STB > 1394 > PC > VLC player is still a prefferable way to view Cable Qam,
due HD Cable STB can stream All digital/HD basic Tier channels, + extended
HD Tier channels, via 1394 to VLC on the PC, both clear QAM & encoded channels.

(excluding premimum, pay channels, VOD, occational Fox network feed thats 5C'd).
- stb can decode and stream via 1394, encoded channels that arn't also DTCP enabled etc.
- mileage with your cable provider's 1394 likely more limited.



New Member
September 18, 2007
Anu suggestions?

These HD clear qam channels are found when using GBPPVR using my also installed HVR-1600 card,

T:571250,9,5~P:5~V:1984~A:1985~PMT:48~N:>9.5 KCTS DT (000(AC3))
T:571250,9,1~P:1~V:2048~A:2049~PMT:49~N:>9.1 KCTS-DT (000)
T:571250,9,1~P:1~V:2048~A:2050~PMT:49~N:>9.1 KCTS-DT (000(AC3))
T:571250,9,3~P:3~V:2112~A:2113~PMT:50~N:>9.3 KCTS DT (000(AC3))
T:571250,4,1~P:4~V:2176~A:2177~PMT:51~N:>4.1 KOMO HD (000(AC3))
T:571250,9,2~P:2~V:2240~A:2241~PMT:52~N:>9.2 V-Me (000(AC3))

but the scan in Tv-Server3 says "nothing found" for 571250. It shows Tuner Locked, & high quality & level when scanning 571250, but then "nothing found". Same thing for scan using either the Kworld-115, or the HVR-1600 in Tv-Server3. Just to test, i added 569250, 571000, 571262, 572250, 573250.



New Member
September 18, 2007
ok, got those channels (and a few other HD channels from the GBPVR channels list), added & working in TvServer3. for the Kworld-115 card. :)

Had to edit the TunningDetail table in sql, after adding the channels in TvServer3 with the the basic data. Tvserver3's qam channel add doesnt provide spots to input all the needed info ... that or i'm missing something about how to add a qam channel manually in tvserver.

The "pmtPID" & "pcrPID" doesn't get set, & the "free ToAir" gets set to false, and the sql table has to be manually edited for the channel to work.

Also how would one know or get the "TransportID" ... i guessed at what that likely was for each physical channel group , and got the correct numbers. There are 2 channels to add at 97250 though & no other channels close enough to even guess the transportID.

** FWIW: The Kworld-115 card has virtually NONE of the "dreaded" video & audio Skipping, that seems to plague the HVR-1600, (specially at 1080p/i).



Portal Member
August 31, 2007
yes i bought the 1600 and it was slow and really skippy on qam channels. i returned it and got a m780 and its like nite and day. now if i cant sort through all these qam channels and find the ones with a picture.

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