Kworld PlusTV HD PCI 115 card works with TVServer3 (single seat) for Cable QAM,
(winxp pro sp2).
- http://www.kworld.com.tw/product_overview.aspx?P_id=47
- devid= "ven_1131&dev_7133&subsys_735217de&rev_d1"
Standard QAM channel scan in tvengine3 works for this card,
& viewing result clear QAM channels in MediaPortal works.
- tvengine3-09-15-2007--01-22h--Rev15898
- MediaPortal-svn--09-15-2007--01-05-Rev15898
(with MediaPortal_0.2.3_RC2 already installed)
- Also Had to use new MP tsreader to display the channel video in MediaPortal.
add empty text file named "useTsReader.txt", also untic ac3 &
the two rebuild graph choices in MyTv Plugin-config in MP-Config/setup, per
https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/help_us_testing_new_filter-t24998.html )
* did minimal testing & not using epg, & scan likely missed some of the
clear qam HD channels. (edit the freq list in .qam file as needed)
* card has no HW-mpeg encode so, (although server will scan and find
analog channels), analog isn't avail via TVServer3 for this card.
- analog will work for this card in stand-alone MediaPortal,
w/o tvserver mediaportal plugin & tvengine3 installed.
* the channel "preview" in TVserver management console doesn't display video,
& only audio for clear QAM channels in the preview popup window on my system,
but video does display in MP.
* finds over 170 channels (comcast), aprox 25 clear qam, & there needs to be a
better way to detect & dispose of "scrambled channels", as the "delete scrambled"
button does nothing on this install. (maybe a new column for "clear / scrambled").
(at least for us)
* HD Cable STB > 1394 > PC > VLC player is still a prefferable way to view Cable Qam,
due HD Cable STB can stream All digital/HD basic Tier channels, + extended
HD Tier channels, via 1394 to VLC on the PC, both clear QAM & encoded channels.
(excluding premimum, pay channels, VOD, occational Fox network feed thats 5C'd).
- stb can decode and stream via 1394, encoded channels that arn't also DTCP enabled etc.
- mileage with your cable provider's 1394 likely more limited.
Kworld PlusTV HD PCI 115 card works with TVServer3 (single seat) for Cable QAM,
(winxp pro sp2).
- http://www.kworld.com.tw/product_overview.aspx?P_id=47
- devid= "ven_1131&dev_7133&subsys_735217de&rev_d1"
Standard QAM channel scan in tvengine3 works for this card,
& viewing result clear QAM channels in MediaPortal works.
- tvengine3-09-15-2007--01-22h--Rev15898
- MediaPortal-svn--09-15-2007--01-05-Rev15898
(with MediaPortal_0.2.3_RC2 already installed)
- Also Had to use new MP tsreader to display the channel video in MediaPortal.
add empty text file named "useTsReader.txt", also untic ac3 &
the two rebuild graph choices in MyTv Plugin-config in MP-Config/setup, per
https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/help_us_testing_new_filter-t24998.html )
* did minimal testing & not using epg, & scan likely missed some of the
clear qam HD channels. (edit the freq list in .qam file as needed)
* card has no HW-mpeg encode so, (although server will scan and find
analog channels), analog isn't avail via TVServer3 for this card.
- analog will work for this card in stand-alone MediaPortal,
w/o tvserver mediaportal plugin & tvengine3 installed.
* the channel "preview" in TVserver management console doesn't display video,
& only audio for clear QAM channels in the preview popup window on my system,
but video does display in MP.
* finds over 170 channels (comcast), aprox 25 clear qam, & there needs to be a
better way to detect & dispose of "scrambled channels", as the "delete scrambled"
button does nothing on this install. (maybe a new column for "clear / scrambled").
(at least for us)
* HD Cable STB > 1394 > PC > VLC player is still a prefferable way to view Cable Qam,
due HD Cable STB can stream All digital/HD basic Tier channels, + extended
HD Tier channels, via 1394 to VLC on the PC, both clear QAM & encoded channels.
(excluding premimum, pay channels, VOD, occational Fox network feed thats 5C'd).
- stb can decode and stream via 1394, encoded channels that arn't also DTCP enabled etc.
- mileage with your cable provider's 1394 likely more limited.