Launch Viz via Remote Button ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 6, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi All,

I was hoping someone can tell me if the following is possible..
I'd like to have the music viz launchable fullscreen via the blue teletext button on my MCE remote (I have this mapped so it currently changes aspect ratio if vids are playing)
I'm not bothered about getting it running windowed or anything, and the skin i'm currently using (StreamMP) doesn't seem to have any buttons to launch the viz - although it does work if I play music, then start a video without stopping the music.. when the video ends the music resumes and viz takes up fullscreen..

I've tinkered around with the remote mappings trying to assign 'show fullscreen' if I am in the music window, but can't seem to get it working.
Any pointers ?



Portal Pro
January 6, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Thank you at least I know it can be done :)
I currently have Red mapped to kill the MP process (so when MP hangs I can stop it.. as I have no keyboard connected)
Would you be able to give me a brief idea of what the config should be in 'remote mappings' to achieve what you mentioned ?
I'm pretty sure I tried; Condition = Window:Music, Action = Show Fullscreen. But nothing seemed to happen with that.

Many Thanks!

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