Lifeview TV Walker Ultra USB 2.0 (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 17, 2006
Philadelphia, Miss
I've seen others post the same question with no answer, so I will ask again to hopefully spur someone to answer. So how do you need to configure MediaPortal's settings to make the Lifeview TV Walker Ultra USB 2.0 tuner work with Audio and Video at the same time?

NewEgg sells this unit for $58 bucks which is by far the best priced USB based Mpeg4 hardware encoding tuner period. So I would think that a lot of people would be trying to use this thing. This is the same chipset that Plextor uses in their unit (though I understand something was emplimented different by Lifeview so it doesn't configure the same as the Plextor unit).

The Wiki has VERY LITTLE instructions on what to do to make this tuner work with MediaPortal. I specifically purchased this unit after checking with the MP compatibility list for a USB tuner.

When I set up the tuner in software tuner mode, I get video but no audio. When set up the tuner in hardware tuner mode, I get neither video or audio. I have tested the tuner with software that came with it and know that its functioning properly. I had read that the tuner can't be used with its Mpeg4 in MP, so I switched it to Mpeg2 (at least I think that's what I did but I don't find any detailed instructions on what needs to be done).

The wiki makes a vague reference to making sure you have registered the audio and video encoder that came with the driver. Again I THINK that I have done this, but the wiki doesn't give any instructions or detail on specifically what they are referencing (or even what version drivers they use).

I see that there is a least one person who has posted that they use this tuner and it works for them, but they didn't detail what they did to make it work.

I am asking for any constructive input (with rather specific suggestions and not just vague references like "recheck your codecs" with no instructions of what I should be looking for) on what I should try next to get this to work in my system.

My configuration is a Dell SX280 3.0ghz P4, with 1gb of Ram, 80gb HD, and integrated Intel video running at 1024x768. The OS is Windows XP service pack 2 with all the latest hotfixes. Its brand new system with very little installed. I have installed WinDVD, WinDVD Creator, and Nvidia DVD encoder software.

wiki reference:


New Member
March 17, 2006
Philadelphia, Miss
Area: Media Portal Program
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2005-12-16)
MediaPortal Skin: mce
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: DScaler Audio Decoder
Video Codec: DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder
CPU Type: Intel Pentium 4 - 3.20GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Motherboard: 0D8695 (Dell Inc.)
TV Card Model: General H/W encoding card
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver: -
Video Card Model: Intel(r) 82915g/gv/910gl Express Chipset Family (128 MB)
Video Card Driver: -
Video Card Resolution: 1152x864
Video Render Type: Overlay
Audio Card Model: SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio
Audio Card Driver: -
Synopsis:: -

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