List all movies (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 6, 2009

I just started to use this great plugin. I would really like to use it instead of the normal "My Videos" list. But at the moment I have the problem, that only movies are listed for which an entry in the online db was found.

So here is my question: Is there a possibility to automatically add all movies of the folder, even if there are no special information available. Perhaps the infos from the EPG could be used to fill the fields.

Many thanks for developing this great tool!


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Well we are planning to add an interface to view movies that did not get auto approved by the importer to the GUI. You would be able to choose an appropriate movie to match to the files, or if you don't feel like dealing with it at the moment, you could just play the movie. This will most likely be a separate interface from the main movie list. There is further discussion about this feature here.

Ultimately though Moving pictures is not meant to be a replacement for MyVideos. If you are wanting other content aside from movies listed in your movie list, that is just outside the scope of our project.

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