ListControl broken? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 17, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I'm trying to get started creating a simple widescreen skin for 1366x768 TVs, and I've run into a bunch of problems. Most of them involve the out of date documentation, which I'm going to start trying to fix once I start making progress.

But one which really irks me: it seems that certain controls are very code limited. For instance, I've taken the file in BlueTwo and switched the sides of the screen (so that the buttons are on the right and the list control is on the left) and now the buttons are no longer accessible. I even tried forcing things by adding <onright> tags, but I think that the code for list control doesn't even check for that tag info (OnRight looks VERY different from OnLeft.)

Are the developers good about taking code patches to fix control assumptions? Also, is there any plan to decouple the controls from the internal functionality (like, instead of using ids to talk back and forth, using things like the <visible></visible> tag for actions the internal engine should perform (like sorting, etc.)

Or am I just wrong? Have I forgotten some change that is needed to switch the sides in

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