Live TV: Stopp Taste, HDTV hängt sich auf (1 Viewer)


Retired Team Member
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  • January 21, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Hi zusammen,

    hab gestern meinen Server neu aufgestetzt.
    Nun hab ich folgendes Problem:

    Wenn ich Live TV ein HD Channel im Fullscreen sehe und diesen dann per "Stopp" Taste beenden möchte, bleibt das Bild stehen und ich muss MP mit "Alt+F4" beenden.

    Als Codec hab ich SAF 4 RC1 unlocked drauf.

    Diese Probleme treten bei HD Videos nicht auf.

    Hat jmd ne Idee woran das liegen könnte?


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 14, 2007
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    Germany Germany

    Fehler nachstellen und Logs anhängen, dann kommen wir ein Stück weiter.



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 21, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Hier Asuzug aus der MP log:

    2009-10-22 16:53:47.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception :Error in the application.
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: site :Void Clear(Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ClearFlags, Int32, Single, Int32, System.Drawing.Rectangle[])
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: source :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: stacktrace: at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Int32 color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil, Rectangle[] regions)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Color color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil)
    at MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception :Error in the application.
    -2005530516 (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Int32 color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil, Rectangle[] regions)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Color color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil)
    at MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception :Error in the application.
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: site :Void Clear(Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ClearFlags, Int32, Single, Int32, System.Drawing.Rectangle[])
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: source :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: stacktrace: at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Int32 color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil, Rectangle[] regions)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Color color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil)
    at MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception :Error in the application.
    -2005530516 (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Int32 color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil, Rectangle[] regions)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Color color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil)
    at MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: Exception :Error in the application.
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: site :Void Clear(Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ClearFlags, Int32, Single, Int32, System.Drawing.Rectangle[])
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: source :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: stacktrace: at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Int32 color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil, Rectangle[] regions)
    at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Clear(ClearFlags flags, Color color, Single zdepth, Int32 stencil)
    at MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1999
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1998
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1997
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1996
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1995
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Exiting
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlugInManager.Stop()
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.ProcessPlugins.GMPS.GMPS
    2009-10-22 16:53:47.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: GMPS.Stop(): called
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: plugin: GMPS stopped
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: GMPS.Stop(): completed
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping IntelligentFrameCorrection.IntelligentFrameCorrection
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping MP_RSSTicker.RSSTickerPlugin
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping MyVolume.MyVolume
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.Dispose()
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.328125 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.437500 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.437500 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: RadioDatabase4.db3
    2009-10-22 16:53:50.437500 [Info.][2]: TvCropManager: Stopped

    Hab das Problem schon ein bischen eingrenzen können. Es muss an SAF liegen. Weil wenn ich nur PDVD 9 installiere, dann hab ich den Fehler nicht. Mach ich jetzt SAF drauf, dann hängt sich HDTV beim stopp drücken auf.

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