I've taken the plunge from mce to MP, so please bear with my novice problem.
When I start live tv, the channel starts playing normally (a bit slow to start 10-15 seconds) but the video will freeze 1-2 seconds in. Audio and video are fine until the freeze.
If I add a scheduled recording it works and I can playback normally.
Ive spent hours on this, and can't find any solution... I had it working once but after a restart of the app it went back to this problem. Subsequent restarts 30+ times can't reproduce the solution.
All drivers are fully updated etc.
Nvidia 210 gpu. I7 CPU. 8gb ram. USB and pci tuners. Tests in tv server all appear normal.
I've taken the plunge from mce to MP, so please bear with my novice problem.
When I start live tv, the channel starts playing normally (a bit slow to start 10-15 seconds) but the video will freeze 1-2 seconds in. Audio and video are fine until the freeze.
If I add a scheduled recording it works and I can playback normally.
Ive spent hours on this, and can't find any solution... I had it working once but after a restart of the app it went back to this problem. Subsequent restarts 30+ times can't reproduce the solution.
All drivers are fully updated etc.
Nvidia 210 gpu. I7 CPU. 8gb ram. USB and pci tuners. Tests in tv server all appear normal.