Loading ISO/IMG files takes a long time (1 Viewer)


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  • February 9, 2011
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    MediaPortal Version: 1.1.3
    MediaPortal Skin: Black Glass Nova
    Windows Version: Win7 Ulti x64
    CPU Type: Intel core i3

    This is really sub-optimization and not a real issue, but none the less, it would be nice to get done.
    When I into videos, and select an ISO or IMG file, it takes a really long time, before playback starts.
    It seems like mounting the image happens quite fast, and that starting the video is actually where the delay is.
    I'm using Daemon tools as the virtual drive.

    From I've pressed yes to actually playing the movie, it takes more than 30 seconds for it to start.

    Is this the delay I can expect, or can I do something with my configuration to improve it?

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