Logitech Ultrax Remote Issues (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 30, 2006
Hey! forum noobie here...:oops:

I've had this remote for a while now, i've always had issues with it on my desktop machine. Works OK with my laptop.

Basically the working buttons are limited to: Number Pad, Cursors and Enter.

On my laptop atleast the play control buttons work aswell, these are the more important buttons.

Has anyone got any idea what the problem is, is there some kind of key assigner or ready made key mapping program/plugin available. I'm getting a projector setup and want to run it from my desktop machine as a home cinema and a remote control will give that nice little touch.

Would be very greatful for any help,

P.S. I'm quite a noob with this kind of thing, I know my way around computers in general but any kind of compiling and deep knowledge of hardware configuration will just go over my head :D I'll just nod to not look like and idiot 8)


New Member
June 16, 2006

Hi, there ... Haider

Just got an UltraX and found out the following:
It actually registers as three HID's (human interface devices).
One is a keyboard, the other two are custom.
The keys that work straight away, without any software, are the keyboard keys.
The problem are the keys registerd under the other buttons. Standard remote control software is not built for multiple devices, and the UltraX are fully proprietary.
Sofar I found that, apart from the software that came with the remote, only Girder can cope with this. But that's a $50 softwarepackage.

I'm still on the quest, so if i discover something I'll let you know

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