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I used MP1 with an HD TV (1080). Evrything was fine.

My config was Pentium G4560 with internal graphic intel HD. I used LAV codec and Enhanced Video Renderer in MP.

I changed for a 4K HDR TV (samsung Qled)

I upgraded my HTPC with a Geforce GT1030 because it have H265 hard decoding abillity (yes ?)

Everythink works fine (smooth video), even 4K video. But colors are drab/dull.

I changed video renderer in MP for MadVR. I added MadVR codec in windows and configured it (using GT1030, copy-back).

Color are bright now but video are not smooth anymore (very jerky).

I read that MadVr do not need a big CPU if you decode via GPU, is it true ? My windows monitor show my a very important CPU use (75%) when I use MadVR.

My question is :

 - Is my PC (Pentium G4560 and GeForce GT1030) powerful enough ?

 - If not : where is the problem ? GPU or CPU ?

 - if Yes : I would be happy with any help to configure it. I tried a lot of configurations in MadVr, with no result.

Thanks !

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