The video is a 4k HDR film, and the sreen is a HD monitor.I unticked "Enable Adaptive HW Deinterlacing" but I think it's not used because it's grey.My config in MP configuration is full LAV :Détails for HEVC :Renderer config :In your screenshot, the title of the windows is "LAV video decoder Properties"In My screenshot, the title of the windows is juste "Properties".How did you open this windows ?I Did this way :
The video is a 4k HDR film, and the sreen is a HD monitor.
I unticked "Enable Adaptive HW Deinterlacing" but I think it's not used because it's grey.
My config in MP configuration is full LAV :
Détails for HEVC :
Renderer config :
In your screenshot, the title of the windows is "LAV video decoder Properties"
In My screenshot, the title of the windows is juste "Properties".
How did you open this windows ?
I Did this way :