Manually adding fanart question (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 1, 2013
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United States of America United States of America
I hate to ask this because it's probably somewhere I haven't found, but I've really read thread after thread and tried a bunch of things.
I'm wanting to setup Mediaportal for music, and want to add fanart for now playing songs. Since htbackdrops is down and I don't have that many different artists, I was just going to use to manually grab them. But, I can't figure out where they go. Due to the computers setup, the C: drive is really small, so I installed to D:
After reading threads, it said to install into the skinfanart folder. There wasn't a 'thumb' folder on my D:. but was under C: so I made:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\skinfanart\userdef\music (adding the skinfanart...)

I dropped a piece of fanart into that folder, with the same name as the artist name (in the metadata). But it doesn't show up. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or if I'm putting it in the wrong place?

Also, just so I don't have to bother you with questions later, I read you can label multiple pieces of fanart like this:
artist (2).jpg
If I do that, will it automatically load a random piece when I play a song? If not, how do I set it up to do so?

I'm just using the basic install with Titan if that makes a difference. Thanks for any help!


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  • June 10, 2008
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    You shouldn't have to create the folder it should already exist.
    Sorry, dumb questions but...
    1. Have you installed the fanart handler plugin?
    2. Have you clicked "Import Fanart" in the fanart handler plugin (it's under music: manage fanart)[DOUBLEPOST=1372759690][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Also, just so I don't have to bother you with questions later, I read you can label multiple pieces of fanart like this:
    artist (2).jpg
    If I do that, will it automatically load a random piece when I play a song? If not, how do I set it up to do so?

    It will display a random fanart that matches the artist.
    If there is no fanart found it will display what you tell it to. By default on no matching fanart it will display a single image (stonehenge but they are giant speakers made of rock), but you can set it up to display a random image from your music fanart folder or no image at all.
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    Portal Member
    July 1, 2013
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    United States of America United States of America
    Actually, not a dumb question. I hadn't since I didn't think it would work with the scrape site being down. I did install it though and it made the folders. But, I can't find anything about fanart art under the music menu. I manually added some and it worked, but can't find any settings for it. Am I looking in the right place?

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