Manually compress ms-dvr (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 1, 2005
Home Country
Romania Romania
MediaPortal Version:
MediaPortal Skin: Blue 2 Wide
Windows Version: Win XP MCE 2005 SP2
CPU Type: AMD Sempron 3000+
HDD: Seagate 160 GB
Memory: 1 GB DDR400
Motherboard: ECS K8M800 - M2
Motherboard Chipset: K8M800 + VT8237R
Motherboard Bios:
Video Card: Forsa Nvidia Geforce 6200A 256 MB Ram
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card: Realtek AC 97' for VIA
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: Hauppauge HVR 1300
1. TV Card Type: Analog + DVB-T
1. TV Card Driver: -
2. TV Card: -
2. TV Card Type: -
2. TV Card Driver: -
3. TV Card: -
3. TV Card Type: -
3. TV Card Driver: -
4. TV Card: -
4. TV Card Type: -
4. TV Card Driver: -
MPEG2 Video Codec: Nvidia
MPEG2 Audio Codec: Nvidia
Satelite/CableTV Provider: -
HTPC Case: Antec Fusion
Cooling: Sempron Box
Power Supply: Antec
Remote: Girder + Universal learning remote
TV: Samsung LE26R41B
TV - HTPC Connection: DVI-HDMI

I have the following problem. I made few tv recordings, and then I went to video editor to manually cut out the part before and after actual show (tv recordings starts / ends few minutes before / after the show, to be sure I get everything.
But after I succesfully edited the video, it doesn't shows up actually in My TV in recorded shows, so I cannot re-encode them to something else (wmv oe mpeg2). So I have to remain with a 20 min show taking almost 1 GB space.
How can manually re-encode (compact) that?

Thank you.


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  • May 13, 2005
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    Hi bzamfir,

    VideoEditor will update the tvdatabase after cutting a file, so you're file should be still in the recorded TV - module.
    VideoEditor updates the length and the data the file was last edited.
    So it will now have another date than the original recording.

    BTW, you can also use VideoEditor for converting your recordings to mpeg.
    Just open VideoEditor and go to the cut-entry in the upper left corner.
    There you can change the function you would like to use:

    - cut: cut a video file
    - join: join two recordings together
    - dvr-ms to mpeg: convert a dvr-ms file to mpeg



    Portal Member
    November 1, 2005
    Home Country
    Romania Romania
    Thank you. However, videoeditor did not updated my recording entries in TV. But I edited the file twice, first time I just cut out the wrong side, my luck I selected not to delete the original file. I guess the issue was VideoEditor updated the tv recordings with wrong edited file, which then I manualy deleted from Explorer, maybe this is why the original recording wasn't shown in TV recording anylonger.


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