Many thanks for reacting to suggestions so fast (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 2, 2005
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Germany Germany

BIG compliment to the MP developers: some time ago in the Improvement Suggestions part of the forum I mentioned a minor issue (manual scheduling of multiple episodes was cumbersome). I did not use the official improvement suggestion format and I did not get an official response. Therefore I thought that maybe this issue was just too minor to be worked on by the developers.
However, when I tested one of the latest snapshots, it turned out that the issue was gone and obviously someone had done it. I think this is REALLY great politics. In the times when I used another commercial TV-center (starting with "Sc" and ending with "eneo" :) ), when making suggestions in their forum I always got responses of the style "you are the only one who wants this, so pi** off". Or they said "it is on our list but has very low priority".
So I see, you MP guys are different. You don't talk a lot but you just do it :) (and you do not even get payed for it! :) ).


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