MCEBuddy - what to do for converted recordings (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 22, 2010
Home Country

I'm in the process of updating MCEBuddy (freeware, so this is not a product plug) to better support MediaPortal. In summary, MCEBuddy converts the TV recordings into another container and codec, usually making it a lot smaller, and removes the ads. The new version moves all the **** data as well and writes it to the new container (eg. MP4, WMV, AVI). Right now the beta will READ the Mediaportal XML and write it to the container but I'm unsure as to what I need to do once the file is converted for Mediaportal.

Say we automatically convert shows to MP4, and put it in the same location as the original recording. If the file is converted in place and the original is not deleted there could be a TVSHow.ts, TVShow.mp4 and TVSHow.xml in the same location. How do I set things up so MediaPortal automatically recognises the new MP4 as well as attributes the XML data to the MP4 file. Does the XML file apply to all video files in the same location with the same file name?



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