Media Portal causes MCE remote/HIP to quit functioning (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 12, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
I have a MCE remote installed with the replacement drivers and am using HIP.

However, when I launch Media Portal, with or without the replacement plugin, HIP no longer receives commands from the remote (the HIP system tray icon no longer flashes and nothing happens in any program I have it set to work with). When I close Media Portal, the remote works fine again.

When I say that HIP no longer receives commands, the HIP system tray icon no longer flashes.

I know this should go in support, but do not feel like typing out all the info about my machine right now.


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  • March 7, 2005
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    This should probably be in the MCE Replacement Plugin thread.

    This is a known problem. As soon as the plugin accesses the MceIrApi it interferes with HIP (which is also using the MceIrApi). There can be only one process accessing the MceIrApi at a time.

    I'm working on ways to solve this, but it's not looking good in the short term I'm afraid. I will let you know as soon as I have a solution.


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