Media POrtal CLient - How? (1 Viewer)


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  • January 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    OK, I have searched high and low and Im sorry, but the instructions have left me quite lost.

    I have MediaPortal installed on my Laptop just to test my TVe3 install.

    The instructions say to install MediPOrtal on my Laptop and then install the plugin by running SetupPlugin.msi. After much searching (didnt see it mentioned it would be in the folder with the main installer for TVe3) I ran that on my Laptop.

    When running MediaPOrtal on the Laptop and going to Plugins it tells me that the Plugin is incompatable with this version. So Im guessing there must be a Client for MediaPOrtal and a Client for Tve3?

    So where to get the former? Or an I way off track. Believe me Ive read all the Wiki entries, Forum and cant find a clear cut simple to follow set of instructions.


    Portal Member
    June 29, 2006
    Why don't you use a little time on the installer so that it is possible to install the package with "one click" ?

    It should be something like this:

    1) Install Dot Net 2.0 (Link here)
    2) Install SQL server Express (link here)
    3) Install MediaPortal

    Then the MediaPortal installer itself should manage to get the latest versions and offer configs for server / client.

    As it is now it is way to complicated to install the program.

    Thats my 2c anyway.


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    Yup .. OK done that.
    Installed Media Portal (current buld)
    Installed MediaPortal-svn--05-14-2007--01-01-Rev14603.exe
    After installing the SVN, COnfig window came up, but left that as it was.

    But cant find SetupPlugin.msi anywhere on the system. I'll try running the TVe3 file, but no where in the notes does it actually say where to find any of these.

    PS> WAs even more confusing when I was reading the SVN notes. After digging and digging you find notes on SVN Stable and SVN NIghtly (with all the appropriate warnings), but the install for TVe3 etc doesnt say specifically which SVN to use.


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I will suggest that you watch theese videos before doing anything else. Here you'll find a good description on how to install database, TVE3 and MP + client plugin.

    Good luck!

    Yea had already downloaded the Part 5 and to be honest it didnt help:
    I dont know if anyone else has watched it, but for me it played perfectly and the audio was fine ... but the screen never changed. You could hear him clicking away describing what he was seeing ... but nothing on "his desktop" changed.


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2006
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    It sounds like you have a CODEC problem, possibly try ffdshow or xvid. that video should start on the intro screen and then show a desktop, it should change as I'm sure you guessed.
    Those videos are quite good and although I tried to help you directly previously I would still recommend you get those videos working, they need a divx decoder. if possible try another computer, the problem will be software not hardware but CODECs are always a pain and another computer may just work if you are lucky, otherwise you will just have to play with CODECs.

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