MediaPortal 1.1 Games Pack (2 Viewers)


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  • October 27, 2008
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    Since most of the games in this pack (not all) weren't maintained or updated for 1.1, here is the MediaPortal games pack i compiled for my personal use. It contains all the games for the MP i could find:

    Chess v0.3.2
    Click Mania v1.3
    Connect 4 v0.4.0.2
    Frustration v0.2.0.1
    Hexxagon v0.4.0.1
    Mastermind v2.1.0.1
    Minesweeper v0.3.0.1
    Simon Say v0.6.1.1
    Yahtzee v0.2

    If there is any more, feel free to tell. MyEmulators was suggested by Dadeo but since I don't use that, I'm having a hard time finding good version to include (3.5-inofficial or official, from SVN).

    All the credits go to the authors of the games!!! I just took the sources and fixed for compile on 1.1. Also fixed a few small bugs but nothing big or worth mentioning :) Also, if needed I committed the sources back to SVN.

    IMPORTANT 1: in the pack, you'll find just plugins, but no skin files.. The game should already be supported in the skin you're using or you should ask the author of the skin for the skin file. Best practice is to install old version of the game (to get the skin files), then just replace the files i have included..

    IMPORTANT 2: if using MP 1.1 RC1, there will probably be slowness in all the games as they publish large amount of GUI properties. You could wait for RC2 or, for now, use this fixed Core.dll from armandp:

    Also, i have to mention that I don't have time to maintain all these games. But IMO, that's not a problem since all of these games were time-proofed :) I will try to fix major bugs if found..

    Have fun!

    PS. Maybe mods could move the posts from here: to this thread..


    • #games.rar
      30.6 KB


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  • August 13, 2007
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    AW: Re: How about chess ?

    A must have for skinners when they are stuck and need to clear their brains! :p
    LOL :D
    I have an issue though: After invoking new version of Minesweeper MP halts - no input possible, only solution is to restart MP after starting MPConfig to close MP. Any ideas?


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  • October 27, 2008
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    Re: How about chess ?

    ok i have the same issue..

    i timed and after two minutes the plugin actually starts so it must be some kind of complex computations on plugin start.. i'm not sure how it was on earlier versions.. but i haven't add or changed anything that might cause that.. since kroko isn't here atm, i'll look into it when i find some time..

    i also noticed that sometimes frustration also blocks mediaportal, mostly when the game is in progress.. i was trying to fix it but haven't had any luck finding the bug yet..


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  • July 8, 2008
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    AW: MediaPortal 1.1 Games Pack

    Hi SilentExcept,

    many thanks for this deed!

    It was high time for a working games pack for Mp 1.1... :)



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  • October 27, 2008
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    • #9
    hi, i will try to take a look at these slowness (in most of the games) in the latest mp.. i have no idea what's changed internally to cause this because game plugin code wasn't changed much since the start.. and i'm pretty sure in latest svn version i had installed on test machine everything was playing nice & smoothly..


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  • October 27, 2008
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    • #10
    ok i think i found out what might be blocking the games.. all of these games are setting a large numbers of gui properties (since they rely on them to draw the game board correctly). obviously something recently added in SetProperty method has massively slowed down the execution.

    for example, these lines of code in OnPageLoad:

          Log.Debug("Remove controls from form");
            for (int i = 500; i < 1180; i++)
              GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#F" + i, "-");
              GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#NF" + i, "-");
          Log.Debug("Remove controls from form END");

    took more than 2 minutes to execute:

    2010-03-05 01:[B]15:22[/B].776327 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove controls from form
    2010-03-05 01:[B]17:53[/B].870994 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove controls from form END

    I need to have a closer look in SetProperty method but maybe some experienced MediaPortal developer can shed some light on this..

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