Mediaportal.exe has stopped working - Vista Premium (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 13, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Hi all,

Have enjoyed MP for some weeks now and also updated with later snapshots that fixed some of my early problems with sound. I really love MP and am very thankfull to all you out there contributing to it.

But now it suddenly stopped working.

When trying to start MP i get a windows message saying:
"MediaPortal.exe has stopped working
A problem casued the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"

I don't trust Microsoft to fix my problem and hope that some of you out ther can help me. I just don't like to be stuck with Windows Media Center. Mediaportal is much better on most of the things that I am using so really hope to get a fix soon.

Some details:

I have uninstalled and deleted the folders.
I also run regedit and removed all MediaPortal "folders" in the registry.
I am not able to find any of the logs that usually are requested when people are having problems.
All I can find in my log folder is configuration.log and configuration.bak
I am able to start configuration.exe.
And what confuses me is that it looks like my previous settings was found - but I thought I deleted everything.

I attach my configuration.log if that can be usefull.

Let me get some good news please.

Thanks in advance,


New Member
March 13, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
-- update --

Have been able to get it working almost as before.
I was not able to get logs working and reinstalled again - but again same strange thing with previous settings appeared.

The ordinary MediaPlayer.exe did not work but I tried AppStart.exe and finaly MediaPortal started again.
This time without my defined video filders and other things BUT my weather location was still there!

Is it something I am missing out from the documentations? Why is AppStart working but not the ordinary mediaplayer.exe?

Another problem that I probably have to raise in a new thread is that my sound level is almost gone on ordinary audio but for DTS/AC3 it is as normal - can anyone help me out with that?



New edit and apology:

Realised that I posted this in the wrong folder - can anyone move this to support?

Have troubled with my installation and Vista all evening and found that Vista was probably the source for many of my setup problems - there was heavy user security on my account even if I am the administrator. Turned User Account Control off and was able to do a lot more things - even start MediaPlayer!!!

Now my main problem is low audio level on playback of bot videos and mp3.
On multichannel sorce video there is normal levels and also if I switch to Windows MediaPlayer.


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