The MediaPortal HTPC Hardware Section may already have the information you require so check it first
HTPC Hardware Section:
HTPC TV Cards Section:
HTPC Showroom:
Is your hardware not listed here?
Then please add it to the wiki, anyone can edit the wiki just use your forum login and password. If you have problems logging in then visit the MP Main Homepage, click logout, relogin, now re-try logging into the MP Wiki. If you have trouble making your entry look nice just add the raw text, then post in this thread asking for someone to tidy up your entry.
HTPC Hardware Section:
HTPC TV Cards Section:
HTPC Showroom:
Is your hardware not listed here?
Then please add it to the wiki, anyone can edit the wiki just use your forum login and password. If you have problems logging in then visit the MP Main Homepage, click logout, relogin, now re-try logging into the MP Wiki. If you have trouble making your entry look nice just add the raw text, then post in this thread asking for someone to tidy up your entry.