MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more! (3 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine

    MePo Tools is a stand alone program that downloads clear art, clear logos and disc art to the thumbs directory for all your media. It can be setup to start with windows and continually monitor and download art for any new media that is added to your library. If you enable FakeCD then it will create fake disc art for any media that does not have downloadable disc art.

    Download +/- and extract to the same directory on your hard drive.
    The utility allows MePoTools download videos from youtube is located at: youtube-dl

    Initial Setup:
    1. Run MePo Tools.exe
    2. Click File -> Settings
    3. Enter the folder location for MP database and MP thumbs folder eg.
    4. Click Use Moving Pictures db if you are using it for movies
    4.1 Click MyFilms support if you are using it for movies, then select MyFilms XML Database
    5. Click FILL - This will enter all the other options for you.
    6. Enable FakeCD (if used)
    Run: Enter location of FakeCD.cmd
    7. Enable Yotube dowdload (if used)
    Run: Enter location of youtube-dl.exe
    Yotube target folder: Folder in which to save the downloaded video clips.
    The other settings are automatically filled out when you pressed the FILL button on the previous page.

    Explanation of Features:
    DB - This will rescan the MP database
    Download - This will download new artwork for every file and overwrite any existing files.
    Update - This will only download missing artwork.
    Clear - This will delete any unused artwork (eg. you have deleted the movie from my videos).
    Global: Run on Startup - Automatically run MePo Tools when windows starts
    Startup option [Automation] - When started MePo Tools will do whatever is defined under the automation tab and then exit.
    Startup option [Monitoring] - When started MePo Tools will run in the background and monitor for changes in the databases.

    Initial Download of Artwork:
    1. Click artwork type (Series/Movies/Music)
    2. Click DB (to refresh the database)
    3. Click Update (to download missing artwork)
    4. Repeat for other artwork

    Supported Plugins:
    My Videos
    MP TV Series
    My Music
    Moving Pictures
    My Films





    MePo Tools - @ajs
    FakeCD - @kiwijunglist

    MePoTools 1.0.201 (25/05/2020):
    • Fix for tvshow.nfo.
    MePoTools 1.0.199 (05/05/2020):
    • Fix for https picture download.
    • Improved MBID search for albums.
    MePoTools 1.0.189 (27/08/2017):
    - Fix picture download ...
    MePoTools 1.0.183 (22/12/2016):
    • Add Collection support (MyVideo 1.16Pre or higher, Moving Pictures).
    • Add CharacterArt support (TVSeries).
    • Add MePoTools DB support (All internal data are stored in a single database. In operation, it checks for the required data in the database. If not, the search goes on old DAT files. If a find the information, it is stored in the database. Over time, the DAT files can be deleted).
    • Cosmetic.
    More info: MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 177 (26.10.2015)
    * Fix Clean and Extra (DB) procedures.
    - New sqlite3.dll - SQLite Version: 3.9.1
    MePoTools V1.0 b 176 (26.01.2015)
    • Fix Clean and Extra (DB) procedures.
    • Fix support for Fanarthandler 4.0
    • Small fix for TVSeries cleanup
    More Info:
    MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 175 (29.12.2014)
    + Add multimasks support for FakeCD. (Supports up to 2 masks separated by |)
    More Info:
    MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 173 (23.12.2014)
    • Add local files support (like TinyMedia Manager) for Series (clearart,clearlogo,banner) and Movies (clearart,clearlogo,disc).
    • Also added option to save downloaded files to a local folder, films and serials.
    More Info:
    MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 171 (28.11.2014)
    • Added the ability to download Banners for Series/Seasons from
    • Skip existing Banners (Season), CD (Multi CD Album) for Update metod.
    • New sqlite3.dll - SQLite Version:
    • Changes in About window.
    • Skip existing FakeCD (Season) for Update metod.
    • If the backdrop for the artist was downloaded and then deleted, it will no longer be downloaded.
    • Names of local database files now have a common system of names. Updating existing files will be done automatically at initial startup.
    • MePoTools.fakecd.dat - FakeCDs Information.
    • MePoTools.martistid.dat - Artists Information (MusicBrainz ID etc.)
    • MePoTools.martistbg.dat - Artists Information (Downloaded Atist Backgrounds)
    • MePoTools.malbumid.dat - Albums Information (MusicBrainz ID etc.)
    • - Youtube Information.
    - Small fixes.
    More Info:
    MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 165 (30.10.2014)
    • Cosmetic fixes of UI.
    • Reworked the internal mechanisms of obtaining information, must less to load disk system.
    • If a site returned a 404 error - not found, not created Fake discs, will now be created.
    • Added the ability to download banners for movies.
    • Added the ability to create NFO for series.
    • Added the ability to download album covers from
    • Expanded output to a log file in debug mode.
    • Bugfix for Fake CD (Movies and Music) after 404 error... Thanks @mcl and @emphatic !
    • Small bugfixes in Settings window.
    • Changed algorithm the alternative image search for Fake CD (Music).
    • Fixed handling of albums, with more than one artist.
    • Changed algorithm the image search for Fake CD (Moving Pictires).
    • Added an option to select albums not only for a bunch Album Artist - Album, but for a bunch of Artist - Album:
    • Cosmetic fixed in GUI.
    • Added Mask %yo and %ys for FakeCD.
    %yo - Year or * if Year empty.
    %ys - Year with leading "-" or * if Year is empty.
    For FakeCD (New Moving Pictures) recomended new search mask - {%nm-%yo}.jpg or {%nm%ys}.jpg.
    - Some bug fixes.
    More Info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 148 (12.09.2014)
    • Compatibility with new api (v3).
    • Allow input of Personal API key (Otional).
    • Improvement to build 145. If the music video is smaller than the size, it is then removed and stored in a database as the downloaded successfully. Reducing traffic consumption and prevents re-downloading next time.
    More Info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 145 (10.09.2014)
    - YouTube section: Added an option to remove the downloaded videos is less than a certain size.
    More Info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 144 (02.08.2014)
    - Added suport for multi CD.
    More Info:
    MePoTools V1.0 b 140 (11.03.2014)
    - Added a switch that allows you to download images in any language, if they are not found in the language specified by the user. Ie search is in order: User Language - English - Any.
    More info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 139 (10.03.2014)
    - Added artist thumbs download from (if not exists in Thumbs\Music\Artists\ folder).
    More info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 138 (04.03.2014)
    - Added support for MVCetnral DB. If the database (mvCentral.db3) is found, the option is available, otherwise not.
    More info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 135 (12.12.2013)
    - Bug fixes.
    MePoTools V1.0 b 134 (11.12.2013)
    • Added download artist background pictures from
    • Bug fixes.
    More info:
    - MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 132 (01.11.2013)
    • Added ability to create folder.jpg, for artists and albums folders, when running in automatic mode.
    • Compiled with new version sqlite3.dll.
    More info:
    MePoTools V1.0 b 129 (21.10.2013)
    - Added ability to create folder.jpg, for series and seasons folders, when running in automatic mode.
    More info: MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 128 (04.10.2013)
    - Bugfixes ... (Youtube sections)
    MePoTools V1.0 b 127 (12.09.2013)
    - If the video clip can not be loaded in 5 attempts, then the next time it will be ignored.
    More info: MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 126 (09.09.2013)
    - Added MyFilms support.
    More info: MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 125 (05.09.2013)
    - Added Artist banners support.
    More info: MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 124 (19.08.2013)
    • Changed algorithm load previously downloaded, but remote video files.
    • Added setting for audiodb similar setup for
    • Added a setting to switch-on and switch off additional features, such as: cleaning folder thumbnails and search for redundant data in the database. When you turn off these functions, the start of the program significantly fast.
    • From the installation archive deleted youtube-dl.exe who needs it can download it at: youtube-dl
    More info: MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more!
    MePoTools V1.0 b 123 (16.08.2013)
    • Added the ability to downloading music videos for use with mvcentral plugin.
    • Support and (top tracks for artists, similar artists).
    • Some bugfixes and optimisations.
    More info:
    MePoTools V1.0 b 109 (15.07.2013)
    -Added setting for Ignore existing FakeCD on update. Will work only for newly created FakeCD, all previously created are considered the original picture discs.
    MePoTools V1.0 b 108 (15.07.2013)
    -Add preview for images (Preview button) Opens each image in a program that is registered in the operating system to view PNG files.
    -Added setting for the generation of FakeCD for seasons. Use a random pictures or all found in order.

    FakeCD V1.0 (12.07.2013)
    Initial public release


    • fakecd
      8.8 MB
      723 bytes
      2.2 MB
      3.2 MB
    Last edited:


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Can you please change output, I want the following for %ns if movie
    "%movie_title" "%movie_certification" "%SD.vs.HD" "%movie_video.codec" "%movie_audio.codec" "%movie_audio.channels" "%movie_studio1" "%movie_studio2" "%movie_studio3"

    Notice I add movie_title to the start, rest is the same :)
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    • Thread starter
    • Moderator
    • #3
    Maybe just add another option? %mn - Movie Name or change that (%ns)?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    • Thread starter
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    • #7
    I was thinking something like this
    How About:
    - Astérix et Obélix: Au service de Sa Majesté
    - Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
    - Schwarzhuhnbraunhuhnschwarzhuhnweisshuhnrothuhnweiss oder Put-putt
    - Jean-Paul Marat förföljd och mördad så som det framställs av patienterna på hospitalet Charenton under ledning av herr de Sade
    - Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes
    - Черная роза – эмблема печали, красная роза – эмблема любви
    :whistle: :D :ROFLMAO: [DOUBLEPOST=1373374999][/DOUBLEPOST]
    is it worth it thought
    I do not know, but I have added this feature :D
    Last edited:


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I was thinking something like this
    How About:
    - Astérix et Obélix: Au service de Sa Majesté
    - Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
    - Schwarzhuhnbraunhuhnschwarzhuhnweisshuhnrothuhnweiss oder Put-putt
    - Jean-Paul Marat förföljd och mördad så som det framställs av patienterna på hospitalet Charenton under ledning av herr de Sade
    - Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes
    - Черная роза – эмблема печали, красная роза – эмблема любви
    :whistle: :D :ROFLMAO:

    stop paying your translator with vodka. :p
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    • Thread starter
    • Moderator
    • #9
    stop paying your translator with vodka.
    :D Post a link to IMDB?[DOUBLEPOST=1373375493][/DOUBLEPOST]I can make "a crutch", if the movie name is more than 50(?) characters, it will not display it, or cut, or?


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ahh ok I get you. it will make the text smaller automatically for longer movies.
    It will look like this (hopefully):
    [DOUBLEPOST=1373375624][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe we should not do movie title, that will be hardest to program because I have to change the width of the bar depending on the height of the text :)

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