missing music database: objects 0 (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 12, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

Tried about everything and been reading on this site for days now,
but didn't find a solution for my (maybe simple)problem:

I suddenly can't get a view on my music database anymore, objects 0 !?!

This is wat a tried:
  • made an unc path to my folder
  • did a update/rescan on my database

mayby strange, did not find an dbase file under the mediaportal/databes map (?)
al the music is on the same machine..

Who has a clue for me?

Thx, in advance :)


MediaPortal Version: latest


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Logs please.

    you find the logs in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log\
    the database is in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\

    those are the paths for Vista.


    Portal Member
    May 12, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    hwahrmann, thanks :D for your reaction.

    I the mean time i had decided to do an fresh install of the latest version.
    Problems seem to be disapeared now, en be a bit more accaptable stable in the same time...



    Portal Pro
    November 17, 2007
    I've got the same problem, here it is my log:

    2009-05-24 16:27:46.015352 [Info.][Config Main]: MusicDatabase: adding share D:\Musica for scanning - available disk space: 2334 MB
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.025352 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Beginning music database reorganization...
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.025352 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Last import done at 01/01/0001 00:00:00
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.035352 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: CleanupForeignKeys completed
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.035352 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: starting song cleanup for 0 songs
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.035352 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: DeleteNonExistingSongs completed. Removed 0 non-existing songs
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.165353 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Found 2250 files.
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.165353 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Now check for new / updated files.
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.165353 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Unhandled error La lunghezza non può essere minore di zero.
    Nome parametro: length - scan aborted!
    in System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueSheet.ParseCue(String[] file)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueSheet.ReadCueSheet(String filename, Encoding encoding)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueSheet..ctor(String cuefilename)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueUtil.CUEFileListFilter[T](IList`1 fileList, ICueTrackFileBuilder`1 builder)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueUtil.CUEFileListFilterList[T](IList`1 fileList, ICueTrackFileBuilder`1 builder)
    in MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetAndAddOrUpdateFiles(Boolean aCheckForNewFiles, Boolean aExcludeHiddenFiles, Int32 StartProgress, Int32 EndProgress, Int32& fileCount)
    in MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.MusicDatabaseReorg(ArrayList shares, MusicDatabaseSettings setting)
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.165353 [ERROR][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Unhandled error La lunghezza non può essere minore di zero.
    Nome parametro: length - scan aborted!
    in System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueSheet.ParseCue(String[] file)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueSheet.ReadCueSheet(String filename, Encoding encoding)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueSheet..ctor(String cuefilename)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueUtil.CUEFileListFilter[T](IList`1 fileList, ICueTrackFileBuilder`1 builder)
    in MediaPortal.TagReader.CueUtil.CUEFileListFilterList[T](IList`1 fileList, ICueTrackFileBuilder`1 builder)
    in MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetAndAddOrUpdateFiles(Boolean aCheckForNewFiles, Boolean aExcludeHiddenFiles, Int32 StartProgress, Int32 EndProgress, Int32& fileCount)
    in MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.MusicDatabaseReorg(ArrayList shares, MusicDatabaseSettings setting)
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.165353 [Debug][Config Main]: MusicDatabase: Commit will effect 0 rows
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.175353 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Compress completed
    2009-05-24 16:27:46.175353 [Info.][Config Main]: Musicdatabasereorg: Music database reorganization done. Processed 0 tracks in: 00:00:00

    Before trying a fresh install is there something io can try?
    I've got a huge MovingPicture Database and woudn't like to redownload all the info!!

    Many thanks!


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    You have somewhere a .cue file, which is in error.
    this is causing the troubles you have.
    please remove it and it will work again.

    i have fixed this error already and it'll be part of 1.1.
    But i'm sure your cue file is just a leftover and can be safely removed.

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