Missing or corrupted config.sys file (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 18, 2006
Hello All
Apologies if this is something obvious but I have installed Media Portal now on 3 machines but the latter 2 have crashed and will no longer boot. 1 is a tower and one a laptop. The message appearing on screen is a windows error message similar to above and just loops back to startup. No amount of trying to go through safe mode or ?? will remove the prob and I have no opportunity to restore as I cannot get them running.
I hope someone can assist and also hope this is not terminal. the message advises other things but non seem to work ... help from anywhere will be gratefully accepted apologies if this is a stupid question but it seems pretty terminal.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Hi Midday

    Sorry your having this problem, which is not related to MediaPortal.

    Have a look at this artical http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/winxp/t1032976476
    specifically the last post.

    You may have to do a restore from the XP CD if all else fails.

    Which means follow the instructions to install, as a new install, until it gives you the option to repair and select this, remember any XP updates will have to be redone, ie .net2 etc.



    New Member
    November 18, 2006
    Thanks for your prompt reply but..

    Thankyou for your ehlp/advice.

    I have visited the links and appreciate your comments however, if I may explain the circumstances...
    message begins

    \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG SYSTEM is missing or corrupt.
    plus contact administartor and you may need to run recovery console etc etc which did not work.

    The computer then stops responding.

    1. I have an Athlon 1200 running XP SP1 which had a TV card in.
    I installed the media portal software. The card was not found for whatever reason so I rebooted and then the above happened... terminal failure. would not allow me to repair and is now in pieces as the HDD seems to be messed up.

    2. I have an athlon 2600 which also has a TV card in and I set up Media Portal on this and have had no problem with boot up and running ,

    3. I have a Samsung X20 laptop with a NOVA -T USB TV dongle and this was installed to the laptop and then Media Portal installed.
    On rebooting the system came up with the identical message to the above .. missing etc..

    4. Installed to an Athlon 3400 using the USB NOVA T and ran fine no problem on reboot.

    So 2 OK and 2 MAjor problems.
    I must assume the problems are related to the Media Portal software as I have never receieved this error message before the software was installed some 2 weeks apart on the PC and then the laptop.

    The only common link is the Media Portal.
    I hear what you are saying re the Windows XP annoyance forum but I must assume that the common link and therefore trigger is something in the Media Portal install. Would you not agree?
    This has happened 2 out of 4 times irt must have happened to someone else.
    any other comments and it is appreceiated


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 19, 2005
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    MediaPortal installation shouldn't break your system @ all.

    Did you downloaded from the links on MP Homepage & which version did you install (MP also requires SP2, see this list)?


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