Missing UK ITV1 Epg data (1 Viewer)


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  • September 15, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Is anyone else seeing no Epg data after Sat 9/6/2007 for ITV1. Most other channels seem fine (usual 7 days of data). Is there anything I can do to see more details of what EPG data is being picked up? I've forced a refresh but that made no difference. Not sure if this is a problem with MP or with the EPG data feed. I don't have any other access to the epg data (are there any apps that I can use to test the epg outside of mp?).



    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    are there any apps that I can use to test the epg outside of mp

    I use the old FREE version of Winfast DTV, Try bitcomet or other torrent downloader, great for checking channels and epg, works fine with my 3 TV cards (Hauppage T500, Dvico Dual, and Lifeview Duo digital only).

    I had a similar problem with TVE3 not getting BBC1 epg, could not find any reason database why, but as i was installing Vista, it all got scrubbed and the new installation worked fine, including finding all the correct channel names, hopefully you will not have to do anything as drastic as that.:D

    edit, found other link, download French version http://tw1965.myweb.hinet.net/WinFastDTV.htm


    MP Donator
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  • September 15, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi PD,
    Many thanks for the suggestion (and the link - downloading now!). Strangely enough this problem has now fixed itself. My ITV1 data is now complete. I think from looking at other web forums that this may have been some problem created by a change to the ITV listings, but not really sure. Will keep the app around so I can check if it ever happens again...

    All the best


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