1.29.0 misspelling in language\strings-en.xml for label "GUI - Scroll speed" (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    United States of America United States of America
    MP1 Version
    Before you create this bug report:
    1. Make sure that your system (windows, codecs and drivers) is up to date, matching the Requirements and you've filled in your System Specs.
    2. Make sure that the problem you experience is not caused by an Extension (Skin and/or Plugin) you installed.To do that, simply start MediaPortal using the MediaPortal Debug-Mode shortcut from your Windows Start menu (Team MediaPortal -> MediaPortal). In the window that opens you select Report a Bug to Team MediaPortal. This will start MediaPortal using the default skin, and only with the plugins which were part of the release version you installed. If you do not experience the problem in the "Debug Mode", then it is likely to be caused by an Extension you use. Please contact the developer of the extension for further support.
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    Describe the Problem you encounter as detailed as possible! "It does not work" won't help the team to understand the problem.

    Didn't know for sure if this was a general MP issue.

    Noticed a simple misspelled label while using Basic Home Settings of DefaultWideHD skin.
    Found the error in ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language\strings-en.xml.

    <String id="100031">GUI - Scoll speed</String>
    <String id="100031">GUI - Scroll speed</String>


    Describe as detailed as possible the steps that are required to encounter the issue. This info is critical for the team to understand the problem.
    Steps to Reproduce:


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