mms stream and VMR9: no way to get it working? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 24, 2007
Darmstadt, Germany
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Ukraine Ukraine

I have noticed that there is a checkbox in MP configuration to allow VMR9 to play web stream video. I thought it would mean that if I play mms://... stream it would be played by VMR9. But it does not look like true. When I try to switch to "transparent" mode in MP while playing fullscreenmms stream, MP says that there is no fullscreen video played VMR9. Is it related only to MS streaming video, or it's a bug which happens only with me, or i'm using wrong version of MP???
I'm developing a plugin which is playing web streams, and I wanted to have an OSD info while playing in full streen, but it seems to be not possible for some reason... Is ther any way to get it working?

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