Movie Database (1 Viewer)

Would you like a better moviedatabase update?

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Portal Member
October 4, 2005
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hi- Daniel

I love the way your internet search works......

* - Auto select the games you have not downloaded images / overview
* - Select Best Match
* - Min. Relevance
* - Select what you want to download


Is there any chance you make the same kind of interface for the Movie database????? :D

It would be a big help for a lot of us!!

To make it even better there should be an export and import option, where the info would be stored in the same folder as the movie is.

All the best Flop


Portal Pro
August 16, 2004
Fribourg (CH)
Hi Flop,

thanks for the nice words about the search-plugin, glad it's getting useful for someone :)

Is there any chance you make the same kind of interface for the Movie database?????

I'm sorry I don't think I will do that very soon... I have stopped my coding activities for MediaPortal (for several reasons).
So maybe somebody else will help out for this task, feel free to grab the sources :)

Also, I know that MP people tend to code configuration screens like this directly in the MP GUI. The game-lookup module is clearly overkill to use in front of the telly with just a remote control. So this lookup module was a bit swimming against the stream...

Hope this helps & have fun!



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