Movie Genre Logos (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Is it possible to create logos (like the tv channels) for movie genres, ive found the thumbs folder with video/genre so it seems like i should be able to but i cant seem to get it to display any logos when i switch the view type?

Any help greatly appreciated

Also not quite on this topic but win xp wont shut down when MP is either running or in tray, ive gotta close down MP first, suggestions/fixes?

And when tv is playing when i minimise/close MP, MP stays on the screen but kind of as a background, i can access all my desktop icons but cannot see them till i hover over them and the icons graphics refresh, any ideas?

Both problems have been ongoing on a few installations of both xp and MP, currently on XP Sp2 (clean install) & MP (also encountered on

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