Scrapers find and Index Movie Serials in Medial Portal2 & Kodi But still don't Show Chapter Numbers or Chapter title if applicable.
My Movies are in the format.
Movie Name (0000) Actor, Actor
The (0000) is the year released.
Actor is the name of the first two principal actors in the movie, not all movies have Actor.
My Movie Serials are in the format.
Movie Serial Name (0000) Chapter 00 Chapter Title
The (0000) is the year of release.
The 00 is the Movie Serial Chapter Number
Not all have a Chapter Title.
If I have 13 0r 26 or what ever chapters, scrapers just list them without the Chapter numbers.
My Movies are in the format.
Movie Name (0000) Actor, Actor
The (0000) is the year released.
Actor is the name of the first two principal actors in the movie, not all movies have Actor.
My Movie Serials are in the format.
Movie Serial Name (0000) Chapter 00 Chapter Title
The (0000) is the year of release.
The 00 is the Movie Serial Chapter Number
Not all have a Chapter Title.
If I have 13 0r 26 or what ever chapters, scrapers just list them without the Chapter numbers.