Hi Everyone
Before anyone shouts at me I have looked at the features of my video's my films, my movies...... etc.
However I find various issues with all of these that don't suite. either information is missing "this happens a lot" or it's handled in a way that makes little sense to me.
What I want is the ability to display information + thumb nail of the movie or other film/program in my database.
At present I have a media server which has around 2.4 terrabytes of movies / documentaries etc on it.
I have catagorised the movies :-
etc... and each film is in it's own folder. Also in each folder is a scan of the DVD cover in very high quality.
Thus if I browse to that catagory, i.e Horror I get a thumbnail of each movie.
What I would really like is to also drop a formatted text file into each folder containing the information about he movie, director, writer, producer, cast, review etc.
Is this possible if so, what do i call the .txt file? If it's not possible is anyone working on this?
I know there are other film management / database tools available but most do not cater for the information I want...
Any help would be really great.
Before anyone shouts at me I have looked at the features of my video's my films, my movies...... etc.
However I find various issues with all of these that don't suite. either information is missing "this happens a lot" or it's handled in a way that makes little sense to me.
What I want is the ability to display information + thumb nail of the movie or other film/program in my database.
At present I have a media server which has around 2.4 terrabytes of movies / documentaries etc on it.
I have catagorised the movies :-
etc... and each film is in it's own folder. Also in each folder is a scan of the DVD cover in very high quality.
Thus if I browse to that catagory, i.e Horror I get a thumbnail of each movie.
What I would really like is to also drop a formatted text file into each folder containing the information about he movie, director, writer, producer, cast, review etc.
Is this possible if so, what do i call the .txt file? If it's not possible is anyone working on this?
I know there are other film management / database tools available but most do not cater for the information I want...
Any help would be really great.