Moving Pictures Background Check? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 9, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Wasn't Moving Pictures supposed to autoadd files in the background!?

And how often to it check!?

Beacuse i think that i have to go inside MovingPictures all the time for it to check for new files... Even if moving pictures autoadd them right away when i enter the config...


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Moving Pictures monitors your folders in the background constantly. It hooks into the filesystem to receive filesystem events so any time a new file is placed in a watch folder it will get processed by the importer.

The only caveat is that only movies that are auto approved will be added to Moving Pictures. If Moving Pictures does not have a high degree of confidence in what movie is in your video file, you have to manually approve a match, which (currently) requires you to go into the config. Different data sources provide varying amounts of data so IMDb and will probably auto approve more matches than some of the other data sources that do not provide alternate title information.

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