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Thx for logs, in log1 everything is ok on cover change:


// URL link is ok

[2013-10-05 12:01:33,972] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo: Refresh image: New Image url ->

// Image is downloaded ok

[2013-10-05 12:01:33,974] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo Refresh image: Downloading image, new Image url ->

// You will not see this if downloaded image do not exists, so all is ok

[2013-10-05 12:01:33,977] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo Refresh image: Creating new image -> C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title\Keep the Lights On{902}.jpg

[2013-10-05 12:01:34,067] [Log    ] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo Refresh image: Creating new image -> C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title\Keep the Lights On{902}L.jpg[/CODE]

So there is only few possibilities which can happen outside of MyVideos plugin:

1. Downloaded temp file (as image) is the same as original taken from scraper (this could really be a mystery but can happen with a chance to win a lottery with 8 random numbers)

2. Previous covers in thumb directory are not deleted before but then we should see error like ("Util: FileDelete {0} error: {1}", strFile , ex.Message);

3. Something weird is going on in function:

public static bool CreateThumbnail(string thumbnailImageSource, string thumbnailImageDest, int aThumbWidth,

  int aThumbHeight, int iRotate, bool aFastMode, bool autocreateLargeThumbs, bool fallBack)

in MP core

4. This do not work as intended sometimes when property parameter is the same as previous but parameter content is different

GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#thumb", strThumb);

I put my bet on 3 and 4 but I can't resolve that mystery because it's MP global problem so I need to catch this myself to find the cause. I know that there was many changes in code for 3 and 4 in recent MP releases so maybe something is not good there.

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