MP Config crashes when updating moviedb with Daemon (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 10, 2009
I dont know what I've done, but this worked fine some days ago.
I had scanned for all the movies, and if I clicked an image (in MP), it automatically mounted and played.
If I now try to rescan the database (with Daemon enabled in MP config), it starts playing a movie in WMP (very glitchy). When I close WMP, MP Config crashes.


Portal Member
May 10, 2009
If I disable Daemon in MP Config, the scan runs ok. After that I can enable Daemon, and the images shows up in MP. But now it won't mount the images when I click them (can't remember the error message, I'm not by the computer right now).

Edit: I think it was the Moving Pictures-plugin that wouldn't play the image, and the error message was something like "Image not mounted correctly". I'll have to check when I get home to be sure..

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