The strangest thing started to happen to me with MP tv server single seat setup.
If im watching live tv or a movie at random time intervals MP rewinds/ skips forward
Im not having this problem when i play music (maybe because the songs are to short to have the problem)
Anyone having the same problem?
I did not change anything and before everything was fine.
I even installed a system backup i had made when everything ran fine?
To my knowlidge there is no ir interferance my laptop is in the same room but i doubt its sending because i disabled the ir.
The strangest thing started to happen to me with MP tv server single seat setup.
If im watching live tv or a movie at random time intervals MP rewinds/ skips forward
Im not having this problem when i play music (maybe because the songs are to short to have the problem)
Anyone having the same problem?
I did not change anything and before everything was fine.
I even installed a system backup i had made when everything ran fine?
To my knowlidge there is no ir interferance my laptop is in the same room but i doubt its sending because i disabled the ir.