Mp Not gaining focus when Media Button on remote is pressed (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 11, 2006
Michigan, USA
Area: Media Portal Program
MP Version: + mediaportal-cvs-03-12-2006--20-22.rar
Skin: Blue 2
Windows Version: XPpro Sp2
CPU Type: AMD 64 3000+
Memory: 1 gig
Motherboard Chipset: Abit AV8 3rd-eye
Video Card: Gigabyte nVidia 6800 GT
Video Card Driver: Latest nvidia
Video Card Resolution: 1280 x 1024 / 800x600 on TV
Video Render Type: VMR9
TV Card: AverMedia AverTV Stereo
TV Card Type: software
Optional References: Hewlett Packard Media Center Remote

Synopsis: I usually leave MP is the systray until it is needed. Say for instance I have mIRC running and it has focus. If I press the media button on my remote, MP does restore from the systray, but it does NOT get focus. If I press up and down on the remote mIRC shows the last things ive sad in the chan. No matter how many times I press the media button on my remote, MP does NOT gain focus, it however does start blinking in the taskbar. Even if nothing is open and the focus is on the desktop when i press the media button MP restores but the focus stays on the desktop. i.e. pressing the nav buttons on the remote just changes the selected desktop icon.

Now here the weird part, once I press the media button and MP is restored(without focus) I can get it to gain focus by first pressing the Mute button on the remote folowwed by pressing the media button again. It then gains focus and can be operated with the remote. I do not have always on top enabled because I use MP in windowed mode, and use the overlay buffer to print fullscreen to my TV.

This was not an issue with Just the regular RC2 without any CVS updates. Pressing the media button brought MP right to the foreground no problem.

thanks in advance,
MerchantO on efnet


Portal Pro
March 11, 2006
Michigan, USA
thanks alot foro thhe reply, but I dont want MP to ALWAYS have focus, just when I press the media button on my remote. It seemed to stop happenning after a reinstall. I just formatted my system, so Im going to do another reinstall and give it a shot.


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  • September 15, 2004
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    Taipan said:
    eric.c.mi said:
    I dont want MP to ALWAYS have focus
    That's what the second script (ForceFocusOnMPAfter5Sec) is for .... :)

    I've tried both scripts but they've never worked... Could it be that I'm running XP Home? Otherwise I'm at a loss.

    I never knew about the mute button - this is now my work around :D


    Portal Member
    December 8, 2005
    I've just started experiencing this problem with the latest CVS version (it didn't happen with 0.2RC2).

    I'll try the work around but does anyone know if this is something that is going to be considered high enough priority to fix in the main code base? (I'm starting to lose a WAF battle :shock: )


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  • September 15, 2004
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    s3070416 said:
    I'm starting to lose a WAF battle :shock:

    That's a scary time... Try the two above little applications Taipan linked to, they're definately working for some people 8)

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