MP Starts On TVOUT (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 26, 2006
hey, i know this is a reaccuring topic, but none of the other methods have ever worked for me, however i finally got around to putting an alternative together.

so what i did was download vidres ( and put together a simple batch file

"C:\Program Files\JD Design\VidRes\Vidres.exe" /M1 /S /Q
"C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Mediaportal.exe"
"C:\Program Files\JD Design\VidRes\Vidres.exe" /M0 /S /Q
shutdown -s -t 30

this uses vidres to switch to my tv, opens media portal and waits for it to close, then swithces back to my monitor.

the last line is optional and forces the computer to shutdown, usefull when you don't want to get up to turn it off. I put a script on the desktop with the code to abort the shutdown
shutdown -a
as my htpc is only a part timer and i use it for many other things.

one thing to note is that the free version of vidres causes popups, however as the program only costs £3 i think its worth the money to pay for it.


Portal Member
September 2, 2006

I've got the following solution.
My desktop runs on 1280x1024. cloned my TV output with my desktop and use Resolution Changer ( with the following batch file

"C:\Program Files\JD Design\VidRes\Vidres.exe" /M1 /S /Q
"C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Mediaportal.exe"
"C:\Program Files\JD Design\VidRes\Vidres.exe" /M0 /S /Q

By running the batch file, MP starts in 800X600 which is fine for my TV (16:9).
When MP closes the resolution is going back to 1280X1024.

No need to say that MP must start in full screen :)


My solution is the following:

I installed UltraMon and made the following display profiles:

"Primary - Primary"
- In here the only thing you'll have to do is filling in the name


"Primary - Secondary"
- In here you'll have to select the secondary screen check the 'primary' checkbox
- Fill in the name

Next I made a schortcut using ultramon to mediaportal.exe and named it 'mediaportal'.

Then use the following script (save as .vbs)

Const PROFILE = "C:\Documents and Settings\StripTies\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\Profiles\Secondary - Primary.umprofile"
Const SHORT = "C:\Documents and Settings\StripTies\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\Shortcuts\mediaportal.umshortcut"
Const PROFILE2 = "C:\Documents and Settings\StripTies\Application Data\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\Profiles\Primary - Primary.umprofile"
Const WAIT_NUM_SEC = 10 'number of seconds to wait before applying the profile

Set util = CreateObject("UltraMon.Utility")

util.Run PROFILE
util.Run SHORT
util.Sleep WAIT_NUM_SEC * 1000
util.Run PROFILE2

Explanation of the constants:
Const PROFILE = Path to the "Secondary - Primary"
Const SHORT = Path to the schortcut
Const PROFILE2 = Path to the "Primary - Primary"
Const WAIT_NUM_SEC = The number of seconds between the switching of the screens. You'll have tot tweak that setting to you're computer speed.

The script will switch primary modes, then it will lauch mediaportal and then switches te the primary modes back. So when you launch an app after the script, it will open in the primary screen.

Works like a charm :)

PS. and yes, it propably van be done much easyer, but hell, i'm not that good in scripting.

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