MSDN like documentation (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 8, 2005
Milan, Italy
Bad news...

I'm trying to update this API Docs with the lastest CVS,
but the NDocs compiler doesn't have an official version compatible with VS8 / VS2005 projects files...

Also all informations around NDocs are in a wiki that is offline from many month. The lastest news on the official NDocs website is 15 feb 2005, over one year ago.

I found an official extension for VS2005 that allow integration between internal VS2005 help viewer and help generated from MP sources.
It's called "Visual Studio 2005 Help Integration Wizard".

But if many developer don't use VS2005, i think that can't be useful.

Actually i cannot update this topic.
I'm waiting news from NDocs projects.

Sorry! Bye!

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