MSI Digi Vox mini II (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 20, 2006

i have MSI Digi Vox mini II USB stick, which is not supported in 0.2.2 so i added this to my CaptureCardDefinitions.xml

    <capturecard commercialname="MSI Digi Vox mini II" capturename="AF9015 BDA Filter" devid="vid_15a4&amp;pid_9016&amp;mi_00">
    <capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="true"/>
      <interface cat="tunerdevice" video="3" audio="4" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="2"/>
        <filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBT Network Provider"  checkdevice="false"/>
        <filter cat="tunerdevice" name="AF9015 BDA Filter"  checkdevice="true"/>
        <connection sourcefilter="networkprovider"     sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice"     sinkpin="0"/>

but Configuration still says, that there is no card found,

this is in log (end of it)

2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]:   Load settings:DScaler Audio Decoder
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]:   Load settings:WinDVD 7 Decoder Filters
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]:   Load settings:MPV Decoder
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]:   Load settings:DScaler Video Decoder
2007-09-15 14:02:31.018426 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]:   Load settings:Weather
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]:   Load settings:Plugins
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-09-15 14:02:31.034051 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings done
2007-09-15 14:02:33.909051 [Info.][Config Main]: device: id:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_15a4&pid_9016&mi_00#7&d328ce5&0&0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}
2007-09-15 14:02:36.444142 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
2007-09-15 14:02:36.444142 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:RadioDatabase4.db3
2007-09-15 14:02:36.444142 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:MusicDatabaseV7.db3

also i attachment see my graph from GraphEdit which works

Did i missed something?


Portal Member
January 20, 2006
So i did some debugging, and found, that this will be probably more complex

there is class DShowNET.Helper.Filter, in which is function

protected string getName(IMoniker moniker)
			object bagObj = null;
			IPropertyBag bag = null;
				Guid bagId = typeof(IPropertyBag).GUID;
				moniker.BindToStorage(null, null, ref bagId, out bagObj);
				bag = (IPropertyBag)bagObj;
				object val = "";
				int hr = bag.Read("FriendlyName", out val, null);
				if (hr != 0)
				string ret = val as string;
				if ((ret == null) || (ret.Length < 1))
					throw new NotImplementedException("Device FriendlyName");
				return (ret);
			catch (Exception)
				return ("");
				bag = null;
				if (bagObj != null)
					Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bagObj); bagObj = null;

				_nameResolved = true;

which should return Friendly Name

when this function is run for AF9015 BDA Filter, the call bag.Read("FriendlyName", out val, null); fails with error (hresult = 3758096900 unsigned) which according to MSDN sould not (as "FriendlyName" is always present). Variable bag is not null in the moment of call.

I am running Windows Vista, maybe that can be the issue (but should not). I have latest drivers available. Maybe some DirectX updates missing?


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