Multi-Part Movies (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 27, 2008
Raleigh, NC
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United States of America United States of America
Hi all. How does MovingPictures handle multi-part movies (for example, MyMovie_part1.mkv and MyMovie_part2.mkv)?

Do I need to put them in a seperate sub folder? What naming conventions are ok? I obviously want them to be linked together, and be viewed as one whole movie on my HTPC.



Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
MovingPictures will detect your naming (as written in the above post, part1.ext and part2.ext) without problems.
No need for subfolders or anything.


Portal Pro
December 27, 2008
Raleigh, NC
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United States of America United States of America
ah yeah I guess my original problem was just with some movies I called "Movie 1" "Movie 2" got confused and I didn't realize I could manually join them as a whole... awesome thanks!


Portal Member
July 24, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Could someone explain how Moving Pictures manages multi-part movies? I have the LOTR extended edition DVD discs ripped to separate video_ts folders with each folder name appended with a [Part 1] and [Part2]. The movie software I use for my PopcornHour device, takes these two files and gives me separate play links and a "play all" link on a single details page. It appears that Moving Pictures just maintains two separate pages for the two files. Is this the correct behavior or did I just not label the files correctly?


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
MovPic recognizes multipart movies in the same (sub)folder. Multiparts in seperate folders will be treated as separate movies.
Filenames with the partx added to the file name will be recognized as multipart movies.


Portal Member
July 24, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
MovPic recognizes multipart movies in the same (sub)folder. Multiparts in seperate folders will be treated as separate movies.
Filenames with the partx added to the file name will be recognized as multipart movies.

Thanks, that explains it, so I would need a LOTR folder into which I would put the two LOTR "discs.":D


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Yes, but since you ripped to a VIDEO_TS folder I suppose you also ripped to the several VOB and IFO files. What you would need to do is merge those together.
If that's even possible, I've never seen anything about merging VOB/IFO files.
It's the filenames that need to have the part x in it, not the foldernames.
Or you would have to prefer the foldernames for movie names (configurable in MovPic)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Sounds like the best idea is just to make .iso instead of a video_ts folder...

Sorry i did not see this thread before now. Moving Pictures handles video_ts folders fine. If you are having problems with multipart matching though I would suggest posting the filename and paths of the files that should be grouped together but are not. Our multi-part matching is good, but nothing is perfect, and if there are some problems with it right now, it would not surprise me if they had to do with IFO type files as the folder structure for them is a bit uncommon.

So post the file and path names you are having trouble with.

Also if you are not aware, there is a button in the importer that allows you to merge two files into one movie. If you only have a handful of multi-part movies that are not grouping properly, this might be a good short term solution.


Portal Pro
June 14, 2008
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Ireland Ireland
Same question with a different angle, I user Zoomplayer as an external player and multipart movies are not handled properly, it just stops playing after the first cd. In My Videos it continues with the 2nd CD as normal. Is this an option to be added maybe?

I have Zoomplayer configured to close after playing a file is finished, so a new instance would need to open for part 2 like in My Videos.

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