Multi-room audio support (1 Viewer)




Are there any plans to implement multi-room audio support. My idea at home is to have an audio server with my MP3s on it and be able to choose the file to play in each room (with domotica) + volume.

If this support is included in the "media application", you can see + choose on (one) TV what is playing in each room...


Portal Pro
January 9, 2005
the_roggy said:

Are there any plans to implement multi-room audio support. My idea at home is to have an audio server with my MP3s on it and be able to choose the file to play in each room (with domotica) + volume.

If this support is included in the "media application", you can see + choose on (one) TV what is playing in each room...
It's a great idea for a plugin but you need hardware (integrated amplifier at the least or audio distrobution system) that can be computer controlled.
I looked around for stuff like this a couple years ago but there weren't any integrated amps capable of this and the distro systems were $$$$$$ and propretary.

I'd love to know if that's changed myself.


Have a look at another Open Source HTPC-Project which I used before I found MediaPortal. It hats multi-room audio support. Maybe it could help ;-)


Portal Pro
January 11, 2005
...Also think it is a good idea :idea: , MP has nearly all needed to support multi zones:

1. Multiple Audio card support(One multiple channel audio cards [5.1 or more] on which we may implement 2*2 zones, and an other for the home cinema zone => minimum 3 zones).
2. WinAmp, which can be launched multiple times, on different outputs to define zones.
3. Girder to get Home Automation signals like wallswitches (X10 or Ocelot/Leopard)

... But the front-end should be addapted maybe to offer those functionnalities ... and more, like being able to watch TV or a film and send the audio also to another zone?
Or, listenning to a CD in the main zone and ... switch it to the bedroom?

And on the storage/play side, we should have the choice when putting in a CD or DVD to play it or RIP it, no??? :roll:

My 2 EuroCents,

PS: the correct URL is:


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  • February 23, 2005
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    I've started to look at xlobby since MP doesn't have multi-room audio support. But it seems like there the work is is faster since it is open source. Since the further documentation for plugin development is happening this may help me decide to stick with MP.

    Xlobby does also have support for PPC (pocketPC) control, event triggers/send message commands, and integrated support of DVDProfiler exported XML DVD collection. But again I see the level of support being much higher with MP than with xlobby.

    I feel as the other features that xlobby has which MP doesn't
    currently have is just temporary. I think other developers will come on board and help to make this platform into a killer for the HTPC.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Mike Zemina

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