Multi-zone audio (1 Viewer)


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  • October 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi there

    I've been using MediaPortal for quite some time now, and have it configured as a single seat machine connected to the main TV in the living area. It is the central component for all media in the household, and in the living room it is connected to my Bose system that gives 5.1 for movies, TV etc.

    In addition to the 5.1 setup in the living area, I have the kitchen dining area as a zone, as well as the outdoor area. All works great, but along came kids who want to watch cartoons on the TV, and all of a sudden I can't listen to music in the living or outdoor areas.

    It would be great to be able to have the option to run the music through another sound card so it can be piped to another zone if needed.

    I thought that this request may appear selfish, but thinking about it, I am sure that there are lots of people in a similar situation with receivers with A and B zones who would use this feature.

    Anybody else share this view?


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  • April 11, 2005
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    All requests are selfish, why ask for something you don't need?

    It is a good idea, it has been proposed a few times, but it is very hard to accomplish as it would drastically change player handling in mp.

    But maybe a dev gets some courage? ;-)


    MP Donator
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  • October 26, 2007
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    All requests are selfish, why ask for something you don't need?

    It is a good idea, it has been proposed a few times, but it is very hard to accomplish as it would drastically change player handling in mp.

    But maybe a dev gets some courage? ;-)

    Ok, I'm selfish! I think I am comfortable with that.

    I don’t understand the full implications of this request technically, but I can see that it might also be difficult to implement in terms of the user interface.

    Who is the Dev responsible for the audio side of MP? Is it possible to get some input into this request?

    Anyway, for me this would turn MP from Awesome to f**king AMAZING!


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    There is no special dev responsible for this in MP2. As you used these forums I expect this request is MP2 specific, otherwise please correct me and I'll move the thread to MP1.

    While the use case itself sounds very interesting I would not expect it being done for MP2 within the next 12 months, as there are other more important things missing which are used by more people.
    Speaking this only from knowing the current development resources. But of course if any developer is interested in working on it we won't disallow it and if any changes or improvement on the MP2 core are required, I am pretty sure we can work them out.
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    MP Donator
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  • October 26, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    There is no special dev responsible for this in MP2. As you used these forums I expect this request is MP2 specific, otherwise please correct me and I'll move the thread to MP1.

    My thoughts were MP2 was to soon replace MP1 so with a longer term view I placed it in here. However if you feel that it might get more traction in the MP1 forum, then by all means please move it to that thread.


    New Member
    September 18, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    Wow, this is so what I am looking for!
    It would automatically be a real alternative to high budget multiroom audio systems like Sonos or Raumfeld.
    Imagine a WLAN sound stream that can be accepted and controlled by multiple clients (such as smartphones, tablets i.e...).
    Such power.
    I mean the web browser can play different audio-feeds at the same time, and you can control a normal browser remotely - why shouldn't MP2.

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