Multiple sats via motor, C & Ku (1 Viewer)

Das Hammer

Portal Pro
June 14, 2007
Das Hoosier State
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Good morning.

I started looking at the diseqc motor control last night in the TV Engine 0.3. (Made it that far without the need to post anything:D ).

When selecting my card (skystar 2 at the moment), there are three tabs. One is diseqc setup, the next is motor, and the third is scanning.

I have read this thread (specifically frodo's post regarding the steps in what order to do things) This makes sense.

However, I'm confused about how a guy can have C band and Ku on the same rotor? I see that I can select a satellite in the motor tab, but when I go to scan it, how does the application know what type of LNB to use? For example Galaxy10R at 123W. This bird has C band and Ku. My dish is connected to a diseqc positioner (36V positioner box (VBoxII)). The LNBF is switched from C band to Ku via 22KHz tone (this is a built-in function of the LNBF (BSC621) that I'm using). If I move the dish to Galaxy10R, store it as position#1, and then tell it to scan; how do I know what it is going to scan? :confused: Where does it pull the LNB info from?

Das Hammer

Portal Pro
June 14, 2007
Das Hoosier State
Home Country
United States of America United States of America

Ok, well maybe I'm just getting tripped up on "How do I know which LNB it is going to use" when I hit the scan button?

Does it default to the "LNB#1" setting on the diseqc setup tab?

I'll do some more experimenting when the Twinhan finally arrives.


Portal Pro
December 27, 2004
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Are you able to move the dish?
Mine is not moving at all. I'm using a Skystar 2 with a Motech Disecq motor.
With other programs it DOES move!

Das Hammer

Portal Pro
June 14, 2007
Das Hoosier State
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I did some scanning last night with a SkyStar2.

First tab (LNB Setup):
Checked LNB#1
Selected "None" for diseqc
Set it to C band with a 5150 LOF

Second tab (Motor):
Changed Satellite to Galaxy10R 123W
Clicked Store
Note: I don't have a motor connected at this point. I used an STB to move the dish to Galaxy10R.

Third Tab (Scanning):
Clicked scan.
It went through the TP list and scanned using settings from LNB 1 (which is the only LNB I have checkmarked in the first tab, and it is set to C band)
**It tells you in the dialog window which lnb and which TP it is scanning**
It found all of the C band channels I expected it to.

I wanted to scan the Ku portion of this satellite as well, but I'd need to turn 22KHz ON to do so because of the way I have things wired right now. The LNBF I'm using has a built-in 22KHz switch to change from C band to Ku.

Unfortunately, I did not see a 22KHz ON/OFF option in the LNB setup.

The only other thing I could do is use a diseqc switch instead of a 22KHz switch. Then, (I'm speculating) I could setup LNB1 as C band with diseqc selected for port#1 and then setup LNB2 as Ku with diseqc selected for port#2. Then (still speculating) it would scan the selected satellite with LNB#1 then LNB#2.
That would rock.

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