Musepack unter MP (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 18, 2007

bin erst vor kurzem zu MediaPortal gewechselt und stelle mich deshalb noch ein wenig unbeholfen an.
Also bitte nicht bös sein :D

Versuche schon tagelang, eine Möglichkeit zu finden unter MP Musepack-Dateien abzuspielen (*.mpc).
Unter MCE hat er diese ja noch wenigstens mit dem DS-Filter abgespielt. Aber unter MP passiert ja gar nix.
Und wenn das dann funktionieren sollte (natürlich mit eurer Hilfe), kommt gleich das nächste Problemchen :p
Unter MCE gibts nämlich keine Chance die Musepack-Tags anzeigen zu lassen. Deshalb bin ich ja auch zu MP gewechselt. Hoffe hier geht es.
Da der WMP dieses Format ja nur mit DS-Filter abspielen kann aber keine Tags ausließt wirds bestimmt kompliziert.
Hab schon versucht Foobar2000 als Plugin zu nutzen - aber das klappt irgendwie nicht so richtig (er spielt mit Foobar nix ab).

Kann mir jemand helfen?
Werd dann auch ein loyaler MP-Fan :D

Schonmal vielen Dank für alle Antworten.


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 7, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Mit foobar hat es damals ohne weiteres geklappt. Aber der Bass-Player unterstützt auch von Anfang an musepack.

    Zeig mal deine Log-Datei..


    Portal Member
    June 18, 2007
    hoffe das hier hilft weiter

    2007-06-18 20:22:17.281250 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: MediaPortal is starting up
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Using Directories:
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Base - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Log - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Skin - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Language - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Database - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Plugins - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Thumbs - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Cache - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\cache
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Weather - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\weather
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: CustomInputDevice - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\custom
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Config - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: CustomInputDefault - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: BurnerSupport - C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Assembly creation time: 21.12.2006 16:08:00 (UTC)
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Set current directory to: C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.312500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Verifying DirectX 9
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.312500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Verifying Windows Media Player
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.312500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Windows Media Player version 10,0,0,3931 installed
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.359375 [Info.][3]: Version: Application
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.359375 [Info.][MPMain]: GraphicContext: not using separate thread for GUI rendering
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.359375 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Checking for running MediaPortal instance
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.359375 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Deleting old log\capture.log
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.375000 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Checking skin version
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.406250 [Info.][MPMain]:   Stopping Microsoft Media Center services
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.421875 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load key mapping from C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\keymap.xml
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.437500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Init playlist player
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.437500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Init players
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.453125 [Info.][MPMain]: MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.515625 [Info.][MPMain]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using average thumbnails
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.515625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Initializing DirectX
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.671875 [Info.][MPMain]: Windowmanager:closing current window
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.671875 [Info.][MPMain]: texturemanager:dispose()
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.671875 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.671875 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load key mapping from C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\keymap.xml
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.687500 [Info.][MPMain]:   load localized strings from:C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language\German\strings.xml
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.765625 [Info.][MPMain]:   fonts.Dispose()
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.765625 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load fonts from C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.781250 [Info.][MPMain]:   fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.812500 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.812500 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font10 height:9 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.812500 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font11 height:10 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.828125 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font12 height:11 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.828125 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font13 height:12 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.843750 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font14 height:13 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.843750 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font15 height:14 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.859375 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font16 height:15 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.859375 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font17 height:16 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.875000 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font18 height:17 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.875000 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:dingbats height:22 texture:2048x1024 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.875000 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font32 height:30 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.875000 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font48 height:45 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.875000 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:font60 height:56 texture:512x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.890625 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loaded font:fontSVT height:12 texture:1024x512 chars:[32-1537] miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.890625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Loading BlueTwo skin
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.890625 [Info.][MPMain]:   LoadWindowPlugins()
    2007-06-18 20:22:17.890625 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load plugins from :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.031250 [Info.][MPMain]:   Loading references from C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.031250 [Info.][MPMain]:   original skin size:720x576
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.203125 [Info.][MPMain]: opening tvdatabase
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.218750 [Info.][MPMain]: using sqlite 3.3.8
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.218750 [Info.][MPMain]: tvdatabase opened
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.250000 [Info.][MPMain]: GUITVCropManager: Started
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: Opening music database
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: music database opened
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIMusicPlayList: Scrobblesettings loaded for Username - Active: False , Trackpreference: 0
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.828125 [Info.][MPMain]: xml:C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.890625 [Info.][MPMain]: xml:C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.906250 [Info.][MPMain]: TvGuide StartImportXML: Initialize
    2007-06-18 20:22:18.953125 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load plugins from :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows\Dialogs.DLL
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.000000 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load plugins from :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.DLL
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.015625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Loading windowmanager
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.015625 [Info.][MPMain]:   load C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\ScreenCalibration720x546.xml
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.015625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Resizing windowmanager
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.015625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Initializing windowmanager
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.203125 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.203125 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.375000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.375000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:198
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.390625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Activating windowmanager
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.453125 [Info.][MPMain]: window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome init
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.468750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Initialized skin
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.468750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: DX9 size: 720x546
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.468750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Video RAM left: 277504 KByte
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.484375 [Info.][6]: Commandprocessor:starting
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.484375 [Info.][MPMain]: Recorder: start
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.562500 [Info.][MPMain]: MAP: using default mappings for Microsoft MCE
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.562500 [Info.][MPMain]: MCE: MCE remote enabled
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.578125 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Running
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.593750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Starting up
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.593750 [Info.][MPMain]:   PlugInManager.Load()
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.593750 [Info.][MPMain]:   Load plugins from :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.640625 [Info.][MPMain]: DreamboxTV: .ctor
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.640625 [Info.][MPMain]: WebEPGGrabber: schedule: 0:0
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.640625 [Info.][MPMain]: WebEPGGrabber: run on: monday:True, tuesday:True, wednesday:True, thursday:True, friday:True, saturday:True, sunday:True
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.640625 [Info.][MPMain]:   PlugInManager.Start()
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.671875 [Info.][6]: Commandprocessor:starting tv cards
    2007-06-18 20:22:19.671875 [Info.][6]: Commandprocessor:running
    2007-06-18 20:22:24.406250 [Info.][MPMain]: window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.GUIHome deinit
    2007-06-18 20:22:24.421875 [Info.][MPMain]: texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    2007-06-18 20:22:24.437500 [Info.][MPMain]: Recorder: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2007-06-18 20:22:24.453125 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    2007-06-18 20:22:24.625000 [Info.][MPMain]: window:MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicFiles init
    2007-06-18 20:22:24.656250 [Info.][MPMain]: open folderdatabase
    2007-06-18 20:22:28.515625 [Info.][MPMain]: TagReader: Loading tag reader plugins
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.593750 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \666 - The Demon.mpc will be added with CRC 2895775948
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.609375 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Adrenalin - Airfire.mpc will be added with CRC 1267274718
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.625000 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Byron Stingily - Get Up.mpc will be added with CRC 1702171106
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.640625 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Casino - Get Funky.mpc will be added with CRC 241265342
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.640625 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Central Seven - Missing (DJ Mellow-D. Remix).mpc will be added with CRC 2837330659
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.656250 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Cirillo - Across The Soundline.mpc will be added with CRC 3309075255
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.671875 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Club Of 4 - Saxy Tune.mpc will be added with CRC 3239493343
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.687500 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Delgado feat. DJ Mike - Feel The Bass Pumpin''.mpc will be added with CRC 1474645510
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \DJ Sakin & Friend - Dragonfly.mpc will be added with CRC 3507891793
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \DJ Steve L - The Trap.mpc will be added with CRC 1890944458
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \DJ Tandu - Velvet.mpc will be added with CRC 2175187821
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Faithless - Insomnia.mpc will be added with CRC 2834589137
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Fire Island feat. Loletta Holloway - Shout To The Top.mpc will be added with CRC 4214605110
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Groove Solution - Magic Melody.mpc will be added with CRC 3916986819
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \JKB - Ibiza (How Are You).mpc will be added with CRC 3374255417
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Junk Project - Disciple.mpc will be added with CRC 3514550388
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \KillerK - Turn It Up (Abriss Mix).mpc will be added with CRC 4256547369
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \LJ Miduel - Light Control.mpc will be added with CRC 8196404
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.765625 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Mario De Bellis - I Like It.mpc will be added with CRC 1743860270
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.765625 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Mike Scandle - Dream.mpc will be added with CRC 1045214573
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.781250 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Nim 2 - Freaky Call.mpc will be added with CRC 1888812030
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.781250 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \PFM - The Arrival.mpc will be added with CRC 3959836419
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.781250 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Pasha Bros - Superstitious ''99.mpc will be added with CRC 3407323243
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Sean Dexter - Synthetique.mpc will be added with CRC 1447142832
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.796875 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \SSL 9000 - The Arrival.mpc will be added with CRC 3818769394
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.812500 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Sven Väth - Face It.mpc will be added with CRC 3322156148
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.812500 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Taucher - Bizarre.mpc will be added with CRC 4181274788
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.812500 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \The Blue Boy - Remember Me.mpc will be added with CRC 439750621
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.828125 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \The Disojunkies - Dancin'' Freestyle.mpc will be added with CRC 1489821674
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.828125 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Tom Wax & Jan Jacarta - No UFOs.mpc will be added with CRC 3890700837
    2007-06-18 20:22:29.828125 [Info.][MPMain]: Song \Veracocha - Carte Blache.mpc will be added with CRC 140682360
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\666 - The Demon.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Adrenalin - Airfire.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Byron Stingily - Get Up.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Casino - Get Funky.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Central Seven - Missing (DJ Mellow-D. Remix).mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Cirillo - Across The Soundline.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Club Of 4 - Saxy Tune.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Delgado feat. DJ Mike - Feel The Bass Pumpin'.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\DJ Sakin & Friend - Dragonfly.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\DJ Steve L - The Trap.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\DJ Tandu - Velvet.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Faithless - Insomnia.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Fire Island feat. Loletta Holloway - Shout To The Top.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Groove Solution - Magic Melody.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\JKB - Ibiza (How Are You).mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Junk Project - Disciple.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\KillerK - Turn It Up (Abriss Mix).mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\LJ Miduel - Light Control.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Mario De Bellis - I Like It.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Mike Scandle - Dream.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Nim 2 - Freaky Call.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\PFM - The Arrival.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Pasha Bros - Superstitious '99.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Sean Dexter - Synthetique.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\SSL 9000 - The Arrival.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Sven Väth - Face It.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Taucher - Bizarre.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\The Blue Boy - Remember Me.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\The Disojunkies - Dancin' Freestyle.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Tom Wax & Jan Jacarta - No UFOs.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.062500 [Info.][MPMain]: Playlist: add E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\Veracocha - Carte Blache.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.078125 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaylistPlayer: Play - E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\666 - The Demon.mpc
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.078125 [Info.][MPMain]: add cmd:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopRadioCommand #1
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.078125 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.Play(E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\666 - The Demon.mpc)
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.078125 [Info.][6]: Command:Stop radio
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.078125 [Info.][6]: Command:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopRadioCommand failed reason:Keine TV-Karte installiert time:0 msec
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.093750 [Info.][MPMain]: Loading external players plugins
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   found plugin:MediaPortal.WinampPlayer.WinampPlugin in C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   player:Winamp.  author: int_20h
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   found plugin:MediaPortal.ITunesPlayer.ITunesPlugin in C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   player:iTunes.  author: Frodo
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   found plugin:MediaPortal.VideoLanPlugin.VideoLanPlugin in C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   player:VideoLan.  author: ZipperZip
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   found plugin:MediaPortal.FoobarPlugin.FoobarPlugin in C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]:   player:Foobar2000.  author: int_20h/rtv
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlayerFactory: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2007-06-18 20:22:30.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    2007-06-18 20:22:36.156250 [Info.][MPMain]: ExternalPlayers: Started foobar2000 with /hide /command:"Playback/Order/Default"
    2007-06-18 20:22:37.156250 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStarted() E:\Musik\MPC\House\DJ Attack\666 - The Demon.mpc media:Music
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.656250 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Exit requested
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Stopping FrameMove
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.Stop()
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.703125 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStopped()
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:0 debug
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:1 font10
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:2 font11
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:3 font12
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.718750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:4 font13
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:5 font14
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:6 font15
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:7 font16
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:8 font17
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:9 font18
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:10 dingbats
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:11 font32
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:12 font48
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:13 font60
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.734375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIFont:texture disposing:14 fontSVT
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:199
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.750000 [Info.][MPMain]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:198
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.765625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Exiting
    2007-06-18 20:22:52.765625 [Info.][MPMain]: Recorder: stop
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.093750 [Info.][6]: Recorder:Stop all tuners
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.093750 [Info.][6]: Commandprocessor stopped
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]:   PlugInManager.Stop()
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.DiskSpace.DiskManagement
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.TvNotifies.NotifyManager
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.DiskSpace.RecordingManagement
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]: PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.DiskSpace.EpisodeManagement
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]:   fonts.Dispose()
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.187500 [Info.][MPMain]: Windowmanager:closing current window
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.203125 [Info.][MPMain]: window:MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicFiles deinit
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.265625 [Info.][MPMain]: texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.296875 [Info.][MPMain]: Restarting MCE Services
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.421875 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: MediaPortal done
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.437500 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:FolderDatabase3.db3
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.437500 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:MusicDatabaseV7.db3
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.437500 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.437500 [Info.][2]: GUITVCropManager: Stopped
    2007-06-18 20:22:53.437500 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:ProgramDatabaseV4.db3


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 7, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hattest du die Songs eigentlich beim Anlegen des Shares einmal gescannt?

    Dein Log zeigt nur dass foobar erfolgreich gestartet wurde, damit wäre der Rest ein Konfigurations-Problem bei foobar selber.

    Aber eigentlich wollte ich gerne ein normales Log sehen in dem der integrierte BASS player verwendet wird...


    Portal Member
    June 18, 2007
    songs gescannt? wie das?
    hab die halt übers musik-menü ausgewählt und abgespielt.

    normales log? wo find ich das?


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 7, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Bitte in configuration.exe alle externen player plugins deaktivieren.
    In der Musik-Sektion sicherstellen das "BASS music player" aktiviert ist.

    Unter Music -> Database das share selektieren und unten den Scan-Knopf betätigen.

    Noch einmal probieren und die dabei entstehende MediaPortal.log
    hier: einstellen.


    Portal Member
    March 17, 2006
    bei mir hats geholfen, die Dateiendung *.mpc zu den Abspielformaten hinzuzufügen.

    Die befinden sich irgendwo bei den Music-Einstellungen. Glaube Irgendwie-"Extensions".

    Füge mpc dazu und es sollte sofort laufen.

    (bezieht sich alles auf BASS-Player)


    Portal Member
    June 18, 2007
    danke euch beiden
    hab den bass player aktiviert und dann funktionerte es :D
    war nur die ganze zeit der interne player aktiviert - und da greift er wahrscheinlich auf den wmp zu.

    und nochmal :D

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