Music not adding to the DB (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 6, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

I've just upgraded to MP RC4 and have a problem with the music database.. I changed my path in the config to \\myserver\share from the mapped drive I used to use (Z:\) and rescanned the DB, I ended up with two entrys for each song..
So i went into appdata\team mediaportal and deleted the music.db file and rescanned the database again.. now its still thinking the tracks are already added as it goes off and find my music then says "rescan complete" and never actually puts them into the db :(
I unchecked the option "only add files updated after xxx" but didn't make any difference..
Anyone know how to totally clear the DB so it will add everything back again ?



Portal Pro
January 6, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Thanks for your reply.
As mentioned in my first post this had been my first thought to clear the DB.. but since I deleted the musicdbv10.db3 file nothing gets re-added to the database when I scan again. (the database gets recreated but is only a few 100 kb in size)
I'll try to post up some logs when I get home.

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