Music stutter on clean install -- never happened before... (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 28, 2004
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
TV-Server Version: TV Engine .3 rev. 14005 (testing)
MediaPortal Version: MP 0.2.2 and testing SVN 14001
MediaPortal Skin: Project Mayhemm III (waiting for NewFace)
Windows Version: XP SP2 (Dutch)
CPU Type:
Memory: 2GB
Motherboard Chipset:
Motherboard Bios:
Video Card:
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card:
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: FloppyDTV
1. TV Card Type: DVB-C
1. TV Card Driver: BDA driver 4.8 (setup 3.1 light)
2. TV Card:
2. TV Card Type:
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
MPEG2 Audio Codec:
Satelite/CableTV Provider: home (Netherlands)
Cooling: SilenX cooling fans
Power Supply: SilenX
Remote: Logitech
TV: Philips
TV - HTPC Connection: S-Video

I have just done a clean install of MP 0.2.2 (stable) and now I have big problems with the sound. I get many (micro) stutters when playing music (MP3) and also playing downloades series and movies.

Let's just focus on the first problem and that is music. MP3's play without any stutter in Windows Media Player and have been playing fine in MP too before the clean install. I've tried different codec's, but that didn't help.

Can anybody please help me tackle this problem? I've attached the Mediaportal.log file that hopefully has some info for you to make a suggestion. It was created with the "debug" level.

The only thing that has changed in the PC's configuration that was also the cause for my clean install was my new FloppyDTV. But I don't see how that can be connected to playing an MP3 in MyMusic.

Hope to hear from anybody soon,


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 5, 2005
    hi drullens,

    as it didnt happen before and you did a clean install its most likely a codec/driver issue imho. Maybe update soundcard-driver or try BASS-Engine inside Setup instead of Directshow?


    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2004
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Stig, thanx for the reply. I thought that is was a driver / codes issue too and tried all the possibilities I had. I also tried the BASS, but that didn't make any difference.

    Since the only configuration change in my PC is the new FloppyDTV, I was wondering if that couldn't be the cause. I've never looked closely at the Mediaportal.log file, but I find it strange that the FloppyDTV is mentioned so often when I just play an MP3 song.

    And then this morning the strangest thing happened. When I was trying out my FloppyDTV, I used a seperate coax cable to my PC thus avoiding any splitters I have in my house. This morning my girlfriend started nagging about the cable that is lying in the house, so I disconected it and rolled it up next to my PC. Somehow I figured out that this was a change in my FloppyDTV situation and started MP again and.....

    MP3 playback was flawless...NO stutter whatsoever!

    How can this be? I was late for work allready, so I didn't have a chance to create a new Mediaportal.log file, but will do so this evening.

    Has ANYBODY seen this behavior before???



    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 5, 2005
    I think you'll need to do more testing...anything else would be guessing. If you experience the problem again, maybe look at your cpu-load. Or try other drivers for your floppydtv...
    In any case, provide a proper report with full logs if problem persists.



    New Member
    May 4, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I had the same problem. Tried all possible settings and finally found out that the stuttering stopped when i deactivated Windows Vista Aero Glass skin.


    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I just posted on the ASIO player threads I also have the same problem. Just discovered it only occurs when the MP menus are showing thoug, if its in fullscreen visualisation or minimized it sounds great. I get it with dsplayer, BASS, and Pureaudio. I thought it was the Xfas skin at first, but changed back to bluewide and still the same problem... Stoffe, did you mean deactivated Aero Glass or changed your MP skin?? Seems like it could be a skin issue??

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