Music view : path related field (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 6, 2010
Introduction : skip if you want to go straight to the question

Hi, I'm new to Mediaportal. I was previously with J River Media Center and I decided to switch today.

The main thing I'm looking for is the possibility to customize the music menus as I want. I would like a combination of id3 tags and folder structure. We are 4 music listeners in my family and it's difficult to keep things clean! We all categorize our music in different folders based on the use of it, and then by artist-album-track.

Is there a way to obtain a menu with a specific path, which then switch to the database tags? For exemple :
Folder name-->Folder name--->%Artist%--->%Album%

I achieved this in J River Media center by creating a list with an entry for every folders with the conditions "path" "begins with" "beginning of the path\". After a click in that list, the view switched to the standard %artist%-%album% lists.

In foobar, it's very simple : I can use the tag "$directory(%path%,3)" as a column in my music library, so it shows me the third parent folder of the audio file.

Main question

In mediaportal, is it possible to either:
- add a path-related field in the music views (foobar-like)
- manually create different menus or lists or views (whatever it would be called) that are directly related to a folder path. After clicking on these menus I would see the music in that path sorted by tags. (J river-like)

Thank you!

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